As her allies try to keep her together, she is falling apart before our eyes. – IOTW Report

As her allies try to keep her together, she is falling apart before our eyes.

Humpty Hillary has had a great fall. Many of them. She passed out and got a concussion that resulted in a blood clot and many other health issues.(Seizures? Parkinson’s? dementia?) She’s also falling in the polls…

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15 Comments on As her allies try to keep her together, she is falling apart before our eyes.

  1. I have to say that at this point I cannot imagine Killary having a chance at all, despite her supposedly still being the more likely victor. Once she and Trump take the stage on September 26 I think it will be obvious to all. The question in my mind is what the Dem party will do for a replacement.

  2. Things seem to be moving in a positive direction for us. I’m praying for two things:

    1. Hillary can hold out until the election.
    2. Voter fraud is kept to a minimum.

    If God is merciful, both will give us a chance to take back our country from those who hate us.

  3. They’re running her because they had no one else. You think she’s bad, try and imagine how bad Sanders would have been-at least he looked to be somewhat more together physically but his policies were equally vapid.

    Jim Webb, the one rational candidate lasted about 2 weeks.

    They’ll have the same problem in 2020 unless another Obama appears pretty damn quick.

  4. “Why they even running this pig?”

    A. Not only a willing puppet of the destroyers of America behind the scenes, but a totally committed one without a shred of shame to be found. Her soul was sold decades ago.

    B. Name recognition

    There is a phenomena I noticed a long time ago. People want to see legacy candidates and will respond at the voting both for that alone.

    Why else was Kennedy so vaunted save for his family’s name recognition? It’s like people are hard-wired for any semblance of royalty.

  5. @MM:

    I think one of the worst indictments I can fling at Hillary is that if she were running against Sanders, I’d vote for him.

    For all his incompetence and crazy left-wing ideas, Sanders at least seems the more authentic candidate. When he says he’ll do x, I believe it. He’s not some phoney-baloney highway robber like Clinton. Even Jill Stein is better than Hillary.

  6. —Why they even running this pig?—

    Who was George Soros?

    [H: Better yet: Who IS this man? Meet one of the most prominent of the players in your downfall. He very much ‘was’ but he also IS and did, in fact wreck the economy of Southeast Asia in very short order. He is a top player in such as BIULDERBERGERS and all the other controlling groups while doing nothing “illegal”. But then no one can do anything illegal if you and your colleagues make the laws.]


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