As Obama accomplished policy goals, his party floundered – IOTW Report

As Obama accomplished policy goals, his party floundered

Bring Tissue…

WASHINGTON (AP) — In boasting about his tenure in the White House, President Barack Obama often cites numbers like these: 15 million new jobs, a 4.9 percent unemployment rate and 74 months of consecutive job growth.

There’s one number you will almost never hear: More than 1,030 seats.

That’s the number of spots in state legislatures, governor’s mansions and Congress lost by Democrats during Obama’s presidency.

It’s a statistic that reveals an unexpected twist of the Obama years: The leadership of the one-time community organizer and champion of ground-up politics was rough on the grassroots of his own party. When Obama exits the White House, he’ll leave behind a Democratic Party that languished in his shadow for years and is searching for itself.

When Obama won the presidency, his election was heralded as a moment of Democratic dominance — the crashing of a conservative wave that had swept the country since the dawn of the Reagan era.

Democrats believed that the coalition of young, minority and female voters who swept Obama into the White House would usher in something new: an ascendant Democratic majority that would ensure party gains for decades to come.

The coalition, it turns out, was Obama’s alone.  more

21 Comments on As Obama accomplished policy goals, his party floundered

  1. Democrats believed that the coalition of young, minority and female voters who swept Obama into the White House would usher in something new:

    It did to those, paying attention, that the “harsh” realization of putting a narcissistic sociopath in the WH was a REALLY BAD idea.

  2. wow, if you had been in a coma for 8 yrs and only read the first para, you’d think things are great

    319 million people
    95 million working age out of work
    4.9 % unemployment
    what a crock of christmas crap

    however, you know things are bad for the left when liberal yahoo posts this negative review of their chosen one

    obama’s legacy is about blame
    term 1 was bush’s fault
    term 2 was congress’ fault
    trump won because of the russians

    merry christmas everyone, praise the lord and pass the fruitcake

  3. The Great Tap Dancer spews, “That’s something I would have liked to have done more of, but it’s kind of hard to do when you’re also dealing with a whole bunch of issues here in the White House”

    A whole bunch of issues?? New strangling regs right before Trump takes over? Multi million dollar vacas? Fund raisers? A knife in the back for Israel? Golf?

    Name 1 GD thing, here or anywhere in the world, that if this fucker touched it, it got better. I’ll wait…


    The article begins with lies & half truths anyway, 15 million new jobs(mostly p/t in service industries, a 4.9 percent unemployment rate(sure, if you leave out the 98 million people who have given up) and 74 months of consecutive job growth(with few months that even met the number needed to provide work to new people entering the work force).

    Here’s another number you’ll never hear him repeat-1st president to never have at least one year of 3% growth. Or years of real income going down.

    But you’d think from his incessant yapping he was a godsend. Asshole.

  4. Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.
    Obola’s a shit-pickle eating shit-weasel, drug-addled, moslem, marxist, homosexual, lying, thieving, disingenuous, shit-weasel (did I mention he’s a shit-weasel?) who’s working feverishly to destroy America and western Civilization.
    In a more sane epoch, he’d be taken out and hanged for Treason – but as it is, we can only put him out to pasture with his ill-gotten $Millions.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If Obola were instead playing a virtual reality game,
    things would have turned out great.
    Barky could have set the high score, patting himself on the back and preening for selfies as he has for 8 horrific years, AND THE WORLD WOULD HAVE BEEN SPARED HIS ATTACK ON CIVILIZATION.

    Instead, there is so much to repair, clean up, reorient and re-educate…. that we’ll be busy for years.

  6. Speaking of jobs, the one I recently interviewed for I have yet to hear if I landed it or not. And I wanted to say that all your prayers and support were felt during the interview. I nailed it. THANK YOU! I’ll keep you posted.

  7. I bet a friend that on MAGA Day (1/20/17) His Obamaness will be historic in one final fashion—he’ll pout and screw up his face throughout DJT’s Inaugural Speech, steam will emit from his ears, and finally he’ll jump up and try and interrupt DJT mid-speech. I hope DJT’s staff have prepared Executive Orders cancelling every one of President Stampy Foot’s EO’s and that DJT signs them while watching the Inaugural Parade and tweets each one out as he does it. Lastly, I’m sure ObaMao will have prepared a big sendoff like the Clintons did on 1/20/01, and I hope DJT turns to him as soon as his Inaugural Address is over and pats him on the cheek and says “I cancelled your big sendoff, Barry. Security concerns. Buh-bye!!!”

  8. Son of Rusty: MAGA Day. The day the pendulum stopped at the height of its Leftward swing and began its vast swing back the other way.
    On that grand day I hope Mr. Sun is absent. I hope that the wind and the rain begin to howl and lash, threatening to upend the tent Mr. President-Elect Trump had installed on the White House Lawn.
    The one with the simple desk and room for some Media.
    The Desk where he rescinds every last one of President Pouty Pants Executive Orders before he sets foot in the White House.
    Hopefully unbeknownst to Barky who waits at the door wondering what the hell is going on, and has to turn on Fox to see what the Tent is for.
    This signing marathon ends with the New President signing the contract to have the White House tented and fumigated.

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