As Protests Rage in Hamburg, Melania Trump Stuck in Guest House – IOTW Report

As Protests Rage in Hamburg, Melania Trump Stuck in Guest House

Allah’s Willing Executioners:

First Lady of the United States Melania Trump was forced to miss a G20 event in Hamburg, Germany on Friday after leftist riots on Thursday left 130 police injured and parts of the city in flames.

The First Lady’s communications director Stephanie Grisham confirmed to reporters that Mrs. Trump was indeed stuck at a guesthouse, “The Hamburg police could not give us clearance to leave.”
[…] Hamburg shopkeepers have reported that left-wing extremists have demanded money in exchange for preventing the destruction of their stores. Police warned ahead of the G20 summit that left-wing extremists were coming from even outside of Germany to riot.

14 Comments on As Protests Rage in Hamburg, Melania Trump Stuck in Guest House

  1. This speaks to the EU’s open borders edict, left-wing anarchists, thugs and extremists can come from all countries in Europe to riot, injure and destroy.
    Welcome to Angela Merkel’s new EU/islamic Germany.

  2. Same riots every year.

    Merkel has encouraged this hoping it would somehow embarrass or intimidate Trump.
    Because that’s how her EU peers would react.

    Trump may see 10,000+ anarchists as a leaderless Europe in disarray.
    Nothing some regime changes can’t fix.

  3. Off the subject but I can’t help but take a shot at Merkel. She reminds me of a female Shultz from Hogans Heros. I see her with loops of sausage strung around her neck like beads at Marti Gras. Hungrily chomping away.

  4. If there is a diplomatic black eye to be awarded, it is to Merkel and the EU. How incredibly sad. I’ve been to Hamburg, where I ate a hot dog mit sauer kraut. Used to be a wonderful, quaint city.

    I can’t remember where I read it the other day, but the global anti-fa’s (sic) were especially interested in going to this particular G-20, so it’s not as though the Hamburg police or their equivalent riot troops didn’t know this could happen. Deblasio probably has their FB page pinned to his home page.

  5. These global so-called “antifa” groups should be labeled a terrorist organization because by all standards and laws they really are a violent, fascist group.

  6. Trump should have jumped in the “Beast” and said lets go get my wife. Full speed ahead don’t stop. What a slap in the face, if Frau Merkel comes here she needs to come in the back door, and leave with the garbage.

  7. Geoff

    Not his play ground. You can rest assured there was enough fire power around her to kill most of Antifa. He did what had to be done and kicked himself the rest of the visit for not unleashing some stone cold killers. I know who he’s contracting. I’ll pass it on, I need to find it. But he is not relying on the, I have a Secret Service.

  8. Rufus T. Firefly ,

    You made a point I’ve come to realize is becoming an earmark of Trump’s leadership.

    I’ve been pleasantly surprised when Trump makes opportunity out of the cards he’s dealt.

    But, why should I be surprised? That is the essence of entrepreneurship.

    You reminded me there is a great chance he not only notices the hot mess but speaks about this failure in public, in some way.

    Could probably make odds on it happening. I guess this is getting used to winning? Expecting certain good outcomes based on his track record?

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