As Turkish Operation Continues, Europe Realizes Refugee Problem Left them ‘Exposed to Blackmail’ – IOTW Report

As Turkish Operation Continues, Europe Realizes Refugee Problem Left them ‘Exposed to Blackmail’

Dan Bongino:

President Trump has continued to defend his actions pulling U.S. Troops from Syria, while at the same time condemning Turkey for its airstrikes and ground troops pushing into Syria. Reuters reports that “Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies pushed further into Syrian territory on Thursday, opening up a new front in the eight-year-old Syrian civil war, and exposing Europe’s powerlessness and inability to influence the direction of the conflict.”

“This is a recipe for disaster, be it for the Turks, the Kurds or us,’ said a senior European diplomat. ‘This Turkish intervention is a complete distraction that will open up a Pandora’s box.”

President Trump has defended his actions largely by the fact that the biggest foreign policy mistake ever made was the United States getting involved in the Middle East. Trump says our involvement has become a ‘policing’ system which allows for Middle Eastern and European countries to have no responsibility in working towards the stability of their own region. read more

6 Comments on As Turkish Operation Continues, Europe Realizes Refugee Problem Left them ‘Exposed to Blackmail’

  1. The POTUS is drawing Turkey out into the open.
    He knows they are a ROGUE member of NATO and in the second term (God willing), I predict Turkey will no longer be a NATO member…

    Europe? Who fucking cares?? They are all socialist in bred from former Kings and Modern day Neo-Leninist Communists.

    Look at the English ‘Royals’ alone? The German Guilt. That is what got them HERE. The French arrogance and their sense of ‘equality’.

    The Poles and the Hungarians is where it’s at, oh and Ukraine!

    Not Italy, not Ireland, not Spain, not Portugal, not Greece and certainly never Scandanavia.

  2. So we were spending endless blood and treasure to keep our “NATO ally” from committing genocide against the Kurds? And Russia was spending just enough money in the region to keep us chasing out tails. Lose lose situation. Time to get off that treadmill.

  3. Of Europe, Turks and Kurds the last are theonly
    ones I have sympathy for.
    They had 11,000 killed fighting alongside US Troops
    meaning they took the “cannon fodder” role to keep
    Americans alive.
    We owe them BIG for that and Trump is letting the
    Turks roll them up without even bothering to enforce
    a no fly zone against Turkish airstrikes.

  4. Euro leaders and American leaders (until Trump) are the most foppish virtue signaling mediocrities experienced since WWII. Turkey has Europe’s balls, tiny, soft and shriveled as they are, in a vise. Trump has simply exposed this situation by moving a few American troops a few miles back. Europe needs Middle East oil. America does not. Europe fails to act, allowing its janissaries the US to act in its place. The same with the Moslem world, those mot currently fighting the US.

    Trump is intrinsically correct, we should not be doing Europe’s or moslems fighting for them. His approach may or may not be the best, but his underlying understanding is correct.

  5. “Once you pay the Danegeld, you never are rid of the Dane”

    Except in this case, they’ve compounded the problem by first inviting the Dane into their country.

    Were are all the real Danes when they are so badly needed?


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