As wind hits new records in the U.K., more British households fail to pay their electricity bills – IOTW Report

As wind hits new records in the U.K., more British households fail to pay their electricity bills

JTN: The United Kingdom’s main electricity supplier, the National Grid, says a milder and windy December resulted in wind power generated 41.2% of the nation’s electricity for the month, surpassing natural gas, which supplied 25.8% of the country’s December power.

Meanwhile, the Office of National Statistics reported Thursday, according to Reuters, that the number of British households who failed to pay their energy bills in December jumped 39% over the same month a year ago. more

8 Comments on As wind hits new records in the U.K., more British households fail to pay their electricity bills

  1. Lived there and knew this well then
    Had a split-timed meter installed when the house was moved into by the next tenant (me in that case then). The Lectric Co had different plans and charged different rates for different times of all 7 different days. So you could schedule your washing machine to wash at off-peak hours (2AM to 7AM) and Dry your dryables. This was a Good Thing for 2 reasons. The average UK washer tool an avg of 2 hours and 14 mins (documented) per load. the Horizontel Drum languidly rotated at 10-15 RPM most of that time when it wasn’t Soaking still.
    The Spin Dry cycled scarily at 400-500 RPM.

    Secondly Good Reason: The Electric Dryer took even longer.

    This was late 80s then.

    Additional phases: Just remembered this. Buddy of mine in a different village about 3 miles away still had an actual Pay-As-You-Go meter on his rental unit. No kidding. You dropped coins into the meter for credits. Again . . . 80’s-90’s. Think about that.

    Got a good telly story or 2 that will wait for later on when the telephone rate kicks in.

  2. POV FOV PPV 360-5 220V – Interesting, but why doesn’t UK provide to citizens cheaper power to all through capitalism rather than having to deal with all that? Seems that might be the better way to go, no?

  3. “Do we believe anything gov’ts say now?”

    I do not, with no exceptions. I corroborate – or falsify – most everything I hear/read from governments, or the media, on the Internet. It’s a good tool for that.

  4. “The number of British households who failed to pay their energy bills last month was 39% higher than a year ago.” – That statement means nothing without an actual number attached to it. 39% more than a hundred, or 39% more than a million? It makes a difference.

  5. @ POV FOV
    I lived just west of Peterborough in a small village in the mid-70’s. I also had one of the electricity vending meters in my cottage. It had a dial from 0 to 100 %. You dropped 10 pence coins into the slot and turned the knob. The needle would work up to 100% and as you used electricity, it would slowly work it’s way to 0%, again, and when it did, the lights went out. Luckily, I heated the cottage with two coal fireplaces. I couldn’t have afforded to heat it with electricity. I was recently over there to visit and natural gas has been since been installed throughout the village. Most people just heat a room or two during winter as gas is super expensive. I don’t believe they even allow coal to be burned for heating any more as I saw no evidence of chimneys smoking. People just have to bundle up indoors because energy is so expensive. It’s really sad to see how the average Brit lives.

  6. @ Dr. Hambone

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