Asheville, NC approves reparations, but no direct payments – IOTW Report

Asheville, NC approves reparations, but no direct payments


North Carolina’s Asheville City Council on Tuesday apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination and voted unanimously on a resolution which proposed reparations for the city’s black residents.

The City Council said reparations will not be provided in the form of direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but the city will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in black neighborhoods. more

27 Comments on Asheville, NC approves reparations, but no direct payments

  1. One quarter of the four thousand and some people lunched in the south were white.
    Out west, where lynching for horse thievery and cattle rustling and other things were prevalent, the people lynched were almost all white. There is no number, but it was most likely in the thousands, too.
    Iow, as many whites were lynched as blacks in America’s history. I know this is a shocker, because we’ve been inundated with propoganda about how lynching is a black thing. It as not. It is a lie.

    If we are going to add up all the people who have had violence committed against them, then recent history of massive black on white violent crime overwhelms the much smaller number from one hundred years ago.

    Iow, blacks owe us white people money. And not only that, they should get down on their knees and thank us for bringing them over from a continent where their future was even more bleak than in America. They would have been killed by a spear, had their head shrunk, and eaten if they had stayed in Africa.

  2. Why not give them one-way tickets back to Africa and revoke their U.S. citizenship? That’s really the only reparation that would truly address the situation, given that their ancestors were stolen from that country. So– send ’em back.

  3. @Peter the Bubblehead – I will match your quote with Han Solo: “I have a bad feeling about this”
    I am curious how they are going to pay for it. Use funds that we’re going to go somewhere else, or raise taxes. NVM, Democrats – raise taxes first

  4. “The City Council said reparations will not be provided in the form of direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but the city will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in black neighborhoods. ”

    …and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” wealth transfer was?

    I don’t owe you shit. My ancestors weren’t even here then, and the Irish ones were treated more like shit than YOUR grandmas were. My wife’s folks occupy the Union parts of a few different cemetaries.

    You, on the other hand, have systematic, invidious, government-sponsored discrimination FOR you because you’re Black, and against my son for no reason other than he’s White.

    Fuck off with that.

  5. …only Democrats should pay repatations anyway, because only Democrats ever owned slaves.

    No Republican EVER did.

    Go see Nancy, Chuck, Joe, and Hillary, leading lights of the Party of Slavery, for yours TODAY…

  6. “The city will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in black neighborhoods” So….like we have been doing for the last 50 years? Roger that, geniuses.

  7. @ Supernightshade JULY 16, 2020 AT 11:41 AM

    Luck with that. The left is documented to be especially parsimonious. If you read Who Really Cares by Arthur C Brooks, published fifteen years ago it walks you through the dichotomy between the words and behavior of leftists.

  8. I 100% agree with Brown Eyed Girl. Offer a small reperations check with a catch. To receive you renounce your US citizenship FOREVER and leave the country. Once you’re gone you can never set foot on US soil again.
    Someone tell me if this would also work: If the federal government ever passes a reperations bill, I say everyone change their tax with-holdings to the max, so you get the most in your weekly paycheck and owe on April 15th. Then, millions and millions of people just refuse to pay.

  9. I’m so sick of listening to the crying about a 150 yr old injustice and I don’t have a single molecule of white guilt.
    The “poor me” sniveling is pathetic especially coming from such a vicious pack of criminals. STFU and get on with life and get the chip of your shoulder.

  10. While you’re at it, Asheville, I want reparations from the Bloody Fuckin English!
    And Asheville is the home of the Bloody Fuckin English who transitioned and settled in North Carolina with the express purpose of oppressing my people!

    So, if you’re gonna pony up for this bunch of bullshit, may as well go all in.

    (and I need a direct payment, as that other bullshit will be stolen by the local demonrats)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Euragone – Show me who among them has NOT received at least 10K of Welfare, SNAP, Unemployment, Housing Assistance, Child Care Costs, Voucher Programs, Community Development Block Grant Programs, programs for low and moderate income families and for simply being African Americans and I’ll show you the world’s shortest list!

  12. Do I get reparations for putting up with these WHINERS ??

    Because I never owned slaves, and MY people were enslaved for ~400 yrs (by Muslims!, shocker)

  13. I look at it from the standpoint of needing to define what makes a descendent. This is similar to the Native American tribes and their casinos. You have to prove your DNA concentration to qualify for casino monies. Considering how Africans, Haitians, Dominicans, Creole have turned on each other with their various caste systems for social status based on their coloring, what would happen if money became involved, in a culture of entitlement? A far far worse uptick in violence, a race war no one ever imagined.

  14. reparations will not be provided in the form of direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but the city will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in black neighborhoods

    So, voting to give themselves the money?

    Where is Captain Renault!?

  15. How the hell do they even calculate how much is “owed”? Stupid Ashville, NC. What ass-holes.

    The Vanderbilts still own the huge mansion there. The family did a lot for the black people in the area in providing jobs and trade skill training. That help went on for decades. The family boosted the local economy in many other ways. If Ashville wants to repay somebody, start with the Vanderbilts and repay them for their efforts in helping the local economy.


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