Asia: Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage – IOTW Report

Asia: Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

A major new study has concluded that Covid mRNA shots cause brain damage and trigger multiple issues with cognition. A team of top researchers in South Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 4.3 million individuals in Seoul.

9 Comments on Asia: Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

  1. The more damage the better – makes ‘us’ easier to control. However, I doubt the pseudo-scientists doing ‘research’ on the ‘vaccine’ knew half the shit that has plagued the weak ones that are proud to have taken all the boosters…

  2. My mother was a happy and healthy aging lady going into 2020. Woman never had a sick day in her life and kept working a full-time accounting job as well as being on the boards of several voulenteer organizations.

    But she was an older woman working among the elderly, and whats worse is she trusted her doctor. No reason not to.

    So she got the shot. And another. And the boosters.

    …then we noticed she was having cognitive issues. Old lady, no.surprise, nicht wahr? I had, after all, seen my paternal grandmother decline, and could have made a career out of schlepping nursing home patients to the hospital if thats what I wanted, so I was no hairless innocent on the subject; but hers was different. It was the cliche of “gradually, then suddenly” for one thing. We’d get her stablized and then the rocket would find a different hill to blast her down. Ive said a lot here about that so I wont repeat, and also because I dont want to re-live it.

    Then she was finished off by a turbo cancer, a bowel mass that popped up out of nowhere despite doctor after doctor in her last year looking at this and that and the other thing, including for cancer. A cancer that normally takes YEARS to develop wrapped her up in a couple months.

    Funny how the timeline, the symptoms, the manner of death all seem to track with what we know about the Jab now. She didnt have heart problems, true, but she got the REST of the platter sure enough.

    And she wasnt alone in that.

    And Im certainly not the only one whose noticed.

    …I saw a -LOT- of illness and death I can now lay at the feet of the killshot in the last few years, again that Ive previously posted about in one form or another so I wont reiterate.

    But as with many people, I found the loss of my mother to be the worst.

    And yet they continue, poisoning children, poisoning the elderly, crippling young people in their prime, now for no other reasons. than to avoid addmiting their crimes and maybe make a buck off it besides. They show every indication of renaming their evil and doing it again, probably in time for the next “election” and probably with something TRULY horrific the next time, now that theyve head faked us with that Coof crap.

    You can be sure they will slaughter again, unless they are stopped.

    How to say stop I reluctantly have to leave out. We all know the realities of who and how communications like th8s are being monitored.

    But we all also know that they wont trouble themselves about laws and rules and committees and things they can control, nor about pockets of preppers waving their shiny new plastic pistols around in social media forums. They have F-15s after all.

    Or do until a pilot returns from a successful strike on his own people, only to find his family had been dragged into the street from his flaming house and treated as he had treated others, but in a much more personal manner.

    Leviathan cant protect ALL her children all the time, after all, and the war they seem to want will have no “rear”.

    In WWII, Russia negated the vaunted Luftwaffe at Stalingrad, not by climbing in planes and dogfighting ship to ship, but by destroying their airfields and killing their mechanics behind them. Modern weapons systems, even by the 1940s definition of modern, needed a LOT of support after all.

    And a skilled mechanic can be harder to replace than a pilot.

    Especially if you consider the technical expertese required in OUR time.

    …but setting the macro aside, look at the micro. Take for example that rather high pitched bearded dude in the other thread who desperately wants us to believe hes a killer that will come for us should President Trump by some miracle, win.

    What may not have occured to him, and others like him, is thats just what many of us WANT.

    I am not by nature a violent man, but I have had occasion to deal with it. Out of the training and the experience I have had with violence, and with recent powerful reasons to set aside my trained relutance to do harm, I would actually relish being able to put a face on my pain, to put flesh on the figure of the people who murdered my mother and deal with them as any vengeful son would be expected to.

    If they want to voulenteer to be that personification of evil before me, I would welcome the opportunity to inflict on them a measure of the pain they inflicted on her, to practice techniques I know from having the staunch the wounds in another life, to revive skills I once had and once trained with on their lesser selves in service of the hope to carve my way one day to their bosses, or to die trying but taking a few to hell for company.

    I grew up with edged weapons and still have a fair assortment, and some skill with improvisation.

    And I could certainly make it interesting if a target presents itself in a way that removes the reluctance of my middle years to do that which I did with abandon in my alcohol soaked youth.

    I have much to avenge, in my reckoning, and have no interest in living in the hellscape these bastards wish to sentence us to. But I am well aware I have an aging body too and cant go ten rounds, which provides the old man sense that battles must end quickly and decisively, by any means necessary.

    And with knowledge that it would be better to die suddenly by gun or F15, than to linger starving in a world where medical care for the aging has been reduced to experiments to see how humiliating they can make an old man’s death.

    I hope they come for me, openly like that fool suggest, wherever and however they like, swaggering in their cock suredness that only playing Call Of Duty and being backed by the police can provide.

    For they have much to atone for and I still have some capability under my greying hair that they will undersetimate, but not for long.

    And the party has to start somewhere…


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