Asked About Impeaching Trump, Pelosi Rambles on About Infrastructure and ‘A Better Deal’ – IOTW Report

Asked About Impeaching Trump, Pelosi Rambles on About Infrastructure and ‘A Better Deal’

As members of her caucus call for the president’s impeachment, Pelosi remains silent.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) avoided discussing the potential of impeaching President Trump at a press conference on Wednesday when asked about her fellow Democrats’ calls for his ouster.

A reporter asked Pelosi if she supported removing Trump from the presidency after Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) joined a growing chorus of Democrats trying to impeach Trump.

“I thank you for your question. I’m happy to answer it, but I was hoping we could focus first of all on infrastructure,” Pelosi said.

The House Minority Leader then spent a couple minutes seemingly listing every infrastructure project that the American federal government had ever undertaken.

She emphasized the need to build up the nation’s infrastructure while touting the Democrats’ new, much-maligned slogan, “A Better Deal.”

Pelosi never answered whether she supported impeaching Trump.


13 Comments on Asked About Impeaching Trump, Pelosi Rambles on About Infrastructure and ‘A Better Deal’

  1. I guarantee that Trump is going to get impeached. The RINO’s are happily and willingly lining up with the dirtbag Demoncraps to effect the coup! They are being backed by the Military generals, Chamber of Commerce pukes and some big money cretins!

  2. I will not be surprised any morning to see that 100 or 1,000 mass arrests have been executed the night before.

    The question is who will act first, POTUS or the Coup Plotters.
    Because the Left will have it no other way.

  3. Zombies know how to attack humans without any active brain function. Nancy Pelosi knows how to survive politically without any active brain function. And she knows that calling for Trump’s impeachment (or worse) is political suicide for many Democrats. Trump won, and calling for impeachment for no other apparent reason than Hillary lost will alienate a lot of voters.

    Pelosi is safe. But she did not get to where she is by ignoring how to survive politically, and those instincts do not go away.

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