…Asking for a married friend – IOTW Report

…Asking for a married friend

@jamestharris Parler

30 Comments on …Asking for a married friend

  1. LOL.. Wearing a mask alone in the car is akin to scoring room temperature on an IQ test. Up there with goofs wearing a mask in the middle of a forest, alone, while the wind is blowing 40 MPH.

  2. …mix it up a bit and wear the condom in the car, and nothing else.

    For bonus points, pull it only half way on and go with the windows down so you get kind of a wind sock thing going on, but if you’re alone (as you certainly WILL be if THIS is how you carry on), then the only way this works is if you REALLY get excited by driving…

  3. Masks’ are virtue signaling for some people.
    People who can’t or don’t improve on their own faults wear masks in the car to show everyone else how caring they are. Ergo, they must be great people, because.
    Smoke and mirrors.

  4. The only truly effective mask to prevent spread of the red Chinese Wuhan death is a drycleaner bag with a tight rubberband around your neck.

    Incidentally, I am also a self anointed expert.

    You are welcome.

  5. Both are “supposed” to be prophylactic items to be worn at the appropriate time and place. One works well, the other is at best a dubious defense against a virus that only seems to have any lethality on sick or old, low immunity victims. If you go through your day wearing a condom you most likely have psychological problems.
    The same can be said for constant “maskers” in or out of a vehicle when alone.

  6. I must say something for masks. Too many people are thoughtless slobs that cough and or sneeze without any care as to where they are and who is near. I was in a supermarket a few days ago (mask or no food) and I am too old to throw punches over it.
    Two people within two minutes were facing me at under 10 degrees of arc and passing about 4 feet away. Both coughed with that lung shove of air that would have sprayed me. Both were wearing masks and that at least contained the propulsion of spit and whatever goop may have been tossed out. Did it stop a miniscule virus particle? Nah.
    Did it stop the mass of whatever lung juice spray that would have hit me in the face? Yes.I understand that if you get hit with a small viral load you do not get as sick as you do when hit with a large one.
    Based on that and the slop expelling paraders, I like the masks for those conditions.

  7. “Too many people are thoughtless slobs that cough and or sneeze without any care as to where they are and who is near.”

    Funny, I don’t remember this being an issue before the ChiCom Flu.

  8. Today a Subaru passed me. It had a Hillary (H with the arrow) bumper sticker left over from 2016. The car made a U-turn, and I kid you not, the lone female driving was wearing a mask. The meme is real, folks.

  9. TonyR –

    It is so funny that you would recite an anecdote of a Subaru and a Hillary (2016) bumper sticker. During Obumphuk’s regime, I obsrved that ALL Subaru’s came standard with an Oblowme/Biteme bumper sticker. 🙂


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