Assault on female US service member by male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss under FBI investigation – IOTW Report

Assault on female US service member by male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss under FBI investigation


An investigation is underway into an alleged attack of a female U.S. military service member by several male Afghan evacuees being housed at Fort Bliss.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed to Fox News it is investigating a referral from a Fort Bliss Afghan refugee housing complex in New Mexico alleging that a woman, whose name and age are unknown at this time, was assaulted on Sept. 19 by a “small group of male evacuees.”

“We received the referral from Fort Bliss and our office is investigating the allegation,” FBI Public Affairs Officer Special Agent Jeanette Harper told Fox News. 

Officials at Fort Bliss confirmed the report of the assault to Fox News.

“We can confirm a female service member supporting Operation Allies Welcome reported being assaulted on Sept. 19 by a small group of male evacuees at the Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico,” the 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss Public Affairs said in an emailed statement. “We take the allegation seriously and appropriately referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The safety and well-being of our service members, as well as all of those on our installations, is paramount.” more

20 Comments on Assault on female US service member by male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss under FBI investigation

  1. “Operation Allies Welcome”

    Lol, I wonder how long that title will remain in effect.

    ….Course, with the libs in charge they may upgrade it to; Operation Future Dem Voters, Take All You Want and Bring The Rest of Your Family.

  2. Biden* Immigration buraucrat – “qualifications!”

    Filthy Mohammedan Afghan “oh Jess sir, rape, terrorism, jihad and rape!”

    Biden* official – “but you said ‘Rape’ twice?”

    Filthy Mohammedan Afghan – “oh Jess sir! I like rape! Berry much so!”

    h/t blazing saddles

  3. I doubt that anything will happen, considering how poorly the FBI seems to investigate real crimes and are too busy trying to entice (a.k.a. entrap) “right-wingers” to commit crimes.

  4. Guess what wouldn’t happen if our troops were allowed to carry their sidearms while on base?

    Goat fuckers wouldn’t be assaulting our troops.

    Guess what would happen if our troops were allowed to carry their sidearms while on base?

    Several dead goat fuckers. And several fewer future terrorists.

  5. Who calls rapists a small group of male evacuees? Would this be the same as a gaggle of geese? How about a herd of buffalos? Perhaps a band of mustangs? A murder of crows? Several male Afghan evacuees must mean a mob of Islamic admirers of nonbelievers.

  6. And these Afghan rapists were reportedly vetted by whom? Supposedly there’s only 100,000 relocated to the US.
    How many more rapes, murders, diseases and laws broken from these vetted refugees?
    Another Biden FAILURE !

  7. Trust me, the FBI won’t do squat. After all, the victim might as well be an Olympic gymnast.

    America, this COVID-infected Moslem sh!t is coming to YOUR neighborhood.

    You’ll look back on 2020 and 2021 and say “Those were the Good Old Days.” Guaran-fcuking-teed.

  8. Wait, weren’t Milley Vanilly and Lord Austin going to put woman on the front lines to fight assholes just like this? Better toughen up girls. WTF?
    Why’s the FBI involved? Seems like it be a military matter. I can tell you. To cover it up. I’m not sure which country the FBI reps. But it sure as hell isn’t ours.

  9. In this culture if you are not covered from head to toe and kept isolated at home you are an immodest woman and you are asking to be groped.

    Women are one step above dogs and specifically for acts of procreation and its ok to try to procreate before they are actually women but young boys are the preferred outlet for sexual tension. I suppose goats are not out of the equation in a pinch.

    Islam is a barbaric and insidious religion spawned by Lucifer to compete by killing or enslaving all the competition.

    Back to the stone age we go…

  10. Gee. Invite rats into the nursery and then be surprised when they eat the children?
    Nobody’s that naïve.

    No Paradoxes.
    No Un-Intended Consequences.
    No Co-Incidences.

    This is the result of a conscious decision by a politician – he knew this would happen and was depending on it to further his pernicious schemes.

    izlamo delenda est …


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