‘Assault Weapon’ Requirements Withdrawn by California DOJ – IOTW Report

‘Assault Weapon’ Requirements Withdrawn by California DOJ

CPR: California’s Department of Justice has repealed “assault weapon” regulations it had submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for the purposes of enactment without public comment.

The NRA and the California Pistol and Rifles Association sent a letter to the DOJ which pointed out “flaws in the regulations” and pledged legal action if the regulations were not withdrawn.

According to NRA-ILA, “It is unclear exactly why the DOJ [recalled the regulations], however it can be surmised that the NRA-CRPA legal letter likely prompted the move.  MORE

11 Comments on ‘Assault Weapon’ Requirements Withdrawn by California DOJ

  1. I just bought a gun from California. Well, technically it isn’t a gun, it’s an exhaust pipe. I put it on my bike and good golly, I thought stuff from CA was supposed to be green? This thing will part your hair at 10ft while idling. It’s so damn loud, I’m almost scared to ride the bike now.

  2. “It is unclear exactly why the DOJ [recalled the regulations], however it can be surmised that the NRA-CRPA legal letter likely prompted the move.”

    Two reasons (I think):

    1. Nobody is complying with registering their “assault weapons”.
    2. The douchebags are re-writing the law to ban all semi-autos.

    My money is on option #2.

  3. They might have with drawn it, but they are still enforcing it. Go figure. And yes our new AG has stated publicly his intent to ban all Semi Auto long guns.
    There was a Police officer killed yesterday on a “routine” traffic stop in the city of Whittier Ca. It turned into a shoot out with one of Jerry Browns “Early Release” gang members. The pictures showed an AR-15 laying on the bad guys trunk lid. I wonder where the blame will lay for this?

  4. BB:” It turned into a shoot out with one of Jerry Browns “Early Release” gang members. ”
    Brown and his asshole cohorts need to be held accountable along with the left wing judges.
    When will this s**t stop for crying out loud. Ludicrous doesn’t begin to describe this state!
    BTW really disappoint in the recall petition for de leon. Should have hit 100k on the first day.

  5. It is very little comfort to the widow and kids but “Alzheimer’s Jerry” Brown, state Department of Corrections and the state of California should all be included in the lawsuit.

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