Assistant in North Dakota AG’s office quits after email deletion – IOTW Report

Assistant in North Dakota AG’s office quits after email deletion


FARGO, N.D. (AP) — An employee in the North Dakota attorney general’s office who handled the deletion of her former boss’ email account has resigned, according to documents obtained Monday.

Administrative assistant Liz Brocker, who helped clear the email account of former attorney general Wayne Stenehjem after he died in office, said in her resignation letter Friday to current Attorney General Drew Wrigley that “I believe we both now recognize that we will not achieve the close working relationship that is vital” between the attorney general and executive assistant.

“Your vision for the future of the Office of Attorney General is exciting, and so it is with regret that I offer my resignation, with today being my last day working at the office,” Brocker wrote.

A previous open records request showed that Brocker asked for Stenehjem’s account to be deleted in an email to an information technology employee on Jan. 29, a day after he died from cardiac arrest. She wrote that the deletion was approved by Deputy Attorney General Troy Seibel.

“We want to make sure no one has an opportunity to make an Open Record request for his emails, especially as he kept EVERYTHING,” Brocker’s email said.

Seibel said when the deletion was first reported that he didn’t recall a conversation about Stenehjem’s email account. He also said it could have been deleted as standard procedure for someone leaving the office.

Seibel’s email account was also deleted in May, two months after Seibel quit following Wrigley’s stated plans to appoint his own deputy.

It’s not clear whether the deletions were proper. North Dakota law makes tampering with public records a felony if a public official “knowingly, without lawful authority, destroys, conceals, removes, or otherwise impairs the verity or availability of a government record.” more

1 Comment on Assistant in North Dakota AG’s office quits after email deletion

  1. “…without lawful authority…”

    …aaaand, there’s where it doesn’t matter.

    As long as we have an election-stealing fraudulent pedophile posing as some kind of “lawful authority”, and the “good guys with guns” continue to back him up, EVERYTHING, every single illegal, scummy, unconstitutional thing any Democrat chooses to do will have a thin scum of “lawful authority” to sheild it, providing enough of an excuse for a Democrat judge to dismiss it and a Democrat press to ignore it.

    Thanks for playing, tho. Maybe try again after the “elections”, I hear Dominion is promising to be honest this time, really, and still respect you in the morning.


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