Associated Press: Journalists should avoid the word ‘mistress,’ use ‘companion’ or ‘lover’ instead – IOTW Report

Associated Press: Journalists should avoid the word ‘mistress,’ use ‘companion’ or ‘lover’ instead

I’ll keep calling them wheurs.

Just the News: The Associated Press on Friday said that journalists will now be urged to avoid using the term “mistress” to describe a woman in an illicit relationship with a married man, suggesting that writers opt for the more neutral terms “companion” or “lover.” 

In a tweet on Friday morning, the AP Stylebook, long the standard-bearer of basic journalistic style in the United States, announced the language usage change.  read more

36 Comments on Associated Press: Journalists should avoid the word ‘mistress,’ use ‘companion’ or ‘lover’ instead

  1. …in MY case, were I to have a mistress, she wouldn’t care WHAT the press called her, because we’d both be dead…

    …she can keep a nice group with her Kimber .45 in the 9 ring, just sayin’…

  2. Not ACCURATE!

    Mistress lets you know exactly what is up in a tenth of a second but why bother telling an accurate story.

    AP = Asshole Press

  3. I’ve always liked consort, paramour or personal assistant. However, in a pinch, strumpet, trollop or chippy will do. No matter what the moniker, they’re all EXTREMELY expensive.

    Caveat Emptor

  4. The Associated Press on Friday said that journalists will now be urged to avoid using the term “mistress” to describe a woman in an illicit relationship with a married man

    I thought we’d already settled on “presstitutes” and “sources”.

  5. The speculation is to soften the perception in preparation for Commiela Harrass to be Pedo Joes VP pick. It will never happen.

    Blacks detest her, Commiefornia establishment hates her, the general public hates her….besides-

    The Lizard Queen rises from the ashes and bones of her satanic viper pit to reclaim her precious.

  6. home wrecking whore always worked for me…. and that applies to BOTH of them because that is what they both are.

    Wanna fuck someone else? get a divorce first.

  7. THOT
    But I prefer skank. Used in a sentence, that would be: lisa page is a skank.
    Or, alternatively, as an adjective: Skanky kamala harris sucked willie brown’s penis the other day.
    We don’t need to re-sculpt language, thank you.


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