Associated Press Says Beto Spoke in ‘His Native Spanish’ – IOTW Report

Associated Press Says Beto Spoke in ‘His Native Spanish’

NB: How far will the liberal media go to boost Beto O’Rourke’s Hispanic street cred? In an article published today, the Associated Press wrote that in a speech he gave in his hometown of El Paso [emphasis added] :

“O’Rourke also spoke at length in his native Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers.”

“Native Spanish?” Sorry, AP, but Beto is an American-born, fourth-generation Irish-American. He doesn’t seem ever to have lived in a Spanish-speaking country. His native language is inglés–sorry, English.

This tweet contains a clip of Beto speaking Spanish in an interview with Jorge Ramos. Truly native Spanish speakers will immediately note that whereas Beto speaks well, he has a noticeable American accent and that his grammar and syntax are far from perfect.  more here

28 Comments on Associated Press Says Beto Spoke in ‘His Native Spanish’

  1. I’m telling you, Beto affects a slight Chicano accent when he thinks it’ll help him. Look for him to start doing it all the time.

    Julian Castro does it, too, although he looks the part of “native Hispanic”, whatever the hell that is. Julian’s Spanish is worse than Beto’s, but that won’t stop the media from calling him a “native” Spanish speaker, too.

  2. He will be your President soon…this is not funny but not as serious an affront as Obama being born in America…the lies work so they will normalize them…..For a laugh, go to Obama’s real Birth Certificate, note all of the inconsistencies and then note that the Registrar is Mr. U K L Lee..this worked.

  3. This is so damn funny. BETO is such a fooken eegit! I sent this out in another post, but here it is again.
    It’s just a funny Irish song. You see, a fella named Paddy O’Malley took a holiday in Spain. A song was written about Paddy, and how the trip influenced him.
    “O’Malley’s Tango” 1956. Sung by the lovely Ruby Murray.
    Go for it

  4. I beto he’ll get lessons in speaking Mexican flavored Spanish.

    Other ways he could show his street cred:

    Douse everything he eats in a liberal coating of real Mexican hot sauce.
    Go for young ones – under 12, of course.
    Always eat the worm at the bottom of the Mescal bottle.
    Obtain the chili and garlic breath.
    Stop washing his hands.

  5. I heard the blood test came back and he is in fact 1/1024th Spaniel……….. er…… I mean…… uh…… you know.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Willygoat. Glad you found that link. It’s a better rendition than I found. I met Miss Murray years ago in the New York City Center where she was doing a show. Very witty and friendly lady. Lovely voice. She was very popular in Ireland and England. Thanks for posting.
    BTW. Robert Patrick O’Rourke is a jerk.

  7. I am pocha AF and even my accent is better than Beto’s. In fact, Beto doesn’t even pronounce ‘Beto’ correctly. If he were a native speaker he would say ‘BEH-tho’ instead of ‘Bet-OH’. I can’t follow half of what the Univision guy is saying without the subtitles because he speaks so fast but I can follow Beto’s sloooow janky Spanish no problemo.


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