Asstral Plain of Reality – IOTW Report

Asstral Plain of Reality

This is a perfect example of how dumb people have become. You can’t help but laugh. This girl thinks sunning her butthole everyday will improve her health and longevity. – Chad Prather.

21 Comments on Asstral Plain of Reality

  1. … come to think of it … next time I’m in the hot tub I’m going for a Moon burn

    actually, makes more sense …. somehow ….

    (think I’ll indulge in another leftover Wild Turkey 😉 )

  2. I’ve had real bad sunburns on the top of my bald head when I wasn’t wearing a hat. I can’t imagine how much that would hurt if I was stupid enough to tan my rear like that. Ouch, and put some clothes on you stupid bimbo, no one wants to see your red sunburned asshole after sitting out in the direct Sun like that.


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