Astronomers say dwarf planet is ‘ocean world,’ possible harbor for life – IOTW Report

Astronomers say dwarf planet is ‘ocean world,’ possible harbor for life

Astronomers say dwarf planet is ‘ocean world,’ possible harbor for life.

Just The News: A dwarf planet located in the rocky space of the galaxy’s asteroid belt harbors a subsurface “ocean” possibly capable of sustaining life, astronomers revealed this week. 

Ceres — the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter — has a “liquid reservoir” underneath its surface that is at least regional and may be global, NASA scientists said in research published on Monday.  more here

23 Comments on Astronomers say dwarf planet is ‘ocean world,’ possible harbor for life

  1. So how long would it take a spacecraft to get there and is it really suitable for life as we know it or not. A lot of unanswered questions need to be taken into consideration before attempting to colonize this dwarf planet which may not ever be answered. What’s wrong with the Earth that we already have except for all the nattering nabobs of negativism who say that we’re all doomed because of globull warming, overpopulation, war, pestilence, famine etc. since the late 60’s propagandized by Paul Ehrlich and other prophets/ninnies of gloom and doom.

  2. Why does Desiderata always come to mind when they bring up this nonsense? We are not a fluke of the universe since God created us in his image. Nor are we a product of slime plus time like the evolutionists, behaviorists and determinists believe us to be. There are not enough zeroes in the Universe for that ever to be probable.

  3. “If we hear back from then, then Ceres is habitable. If we don’t hear back from then, well …”

    “If we hear back from then, then Ceres is habitable. If we don’t hear back from then, well – SEND MORE!”

    A suggested fix.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Uncle Al – I think the designers of the mission should probably only give them one of those old Radio Shack radio kits that they will have to assemble in order to report back. Pretty much guarantee good news.

    Coupled with @Tim’s idea. Ladies and gentlemen, it sounds like a plan is coming together

  5. otoh, it’s estimated there are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, and about 17 trillion dollars in US national debt. About 42.5 galaxies. The national debt dwarfs the number of stars in our galaxy. Would Sen Everett Dirksen be impressed that is real money?

  6. How far down would they have to drill to get to the water? What if the water is nothing but high octane salt water mixed with some deadly chemical that we know nothing about. NASA won’t get use to the fact that we’re stuck on this planet and no one is getting off of it to start the shittery all over again. God has a plan for us, there’s going to be a lot of surprised people when he shows up!


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