Asylum seekers camped out next to Washington state freeway demanding housing – IOTW Report

Asylum seekers camped out next to Washington state freeway demanding housing

He said they came to Washington because they were told they would be “getting help.”

8 Comments on Asylum seekers camped out next to Washington state freeway demanding housing

  1. State and local elected and appointed officials from Washington State were going around the country encouraging every malicious, maladjusted malcontent they could to move to Washington State in the lead up to 2020, since then they have expanded their campaign to include the entire world. They brought them into their shitholes then deliberately and systematically pushed them out to suburban and rural communities.

  2. Being that I am from the more or less sane side of Wash. state in Eastern Washington I say no, no and hell no to this stupid idea lest they find their way over here eventually. No thank you, and whatever happened to vagrancy laws? I saw my first political ad for Bob Ferguson for governor yesterday. I am not impressed by his folksy all-American family portrayal, he’s as big a snake in the grass pinhead as Inslee is. I am voting for Dave Reichert for governor. Screw the democraps and their lies.

  3. Do not spend taxpayer money (mine) to feed, medicate, house, educate and tolerate the Illegal, Alien, Invading Beast! Starve it and it will go home, Pronto!

  4. JDHasty… Same thing is going to happen to New York State, New York City will farm them out and just get the votes, that’s all in the plan. Wake the phuck up voters.


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