At last! Gaffes seem to be working in the GOP’s favor – IOTW Report

At last! Gaffes seem to be working in the GOP’s favor

American Thinker: Did you grit your teeth and brace for a loss six years ago when the GOP Senate candidate in Missouri, Todd Akin, blew a chance to take away Claire McCaskill’s seat with a poorly expressed comment about pregnancy rarely arising from “legitimate rape“?  Did you grimace when Mitt Romney wrote off almost half of Americans as “dependent upon government“?

I can’t speak for you, but deep in my gut, I always worry that the GOP will live up to its reputation as the “Stupid Party” and throw away winnable races with undisciplined candidates (and at least one president, sometimes) with fatal gaffes.

But this election is working out very differently.  It might be the mass insanity of TDS.  But that doesn’t explain how Krysten Sinema may have just handed a key Senate seat to the GOP.  The Arizona Senate seat being vacated by Jeff Flake was considered one of the races that could power a Democrat pickup of a Senate majority.  But thanks to a tweet from a group called The Reagan Battalion, Arizonans now get to see Sinema calling them “crazy” when talking to a group of Texans in 2011:  MORE

8 Comments on At last! Gaffes seem to be working in the GOP’s favor

  1. If it’s not the Dem candidates gaffing up the news, it’s the Dem talking heads doing it. Then there are the has-beens like Brennan, Comey, Holder, Hillary et al shitting out gems on a daily basis. And if that’s not enough, the Handler-Milano celebrity axis never fails to satisfy. None of these people know how they sound to Normals.

  2. I was a little worried a week or so ago, that the energy from the Kavanaugh confirmation might drop at the crucial election time. Then I realized that the Left is going to do everything it can to be out there in everyone’s faces for the election, and my concerns melted away!

    Keep in mind that the only two elections the GOP has lost this millennium were 2006 and 2008. For 2012 0bama was about the only victor, and that with the IRS and other gov’t organizations working overtime on his behalf. And despite leftist propaganda the reason voters went Dem those years was because the GOP majorities they elected utterly failed to do what they were elected to do.

  3. What is the most frustrating, is that there is no reason why any democrats should ever pick up more than 1% of the vote.

    Their party does exactly what you would expect Satan would advise them to do:
    Killing God’s creation through abortion

    Those 2 alone should tell you who these people are, yet they survive.

    Sick nation…


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