At least 269 K-12 educators arrested for assault against minors in first 9 months of this year – IOTW Report

At least 269 K-12 educators arrested for assault against minors in first 9 months of this year


Nearly 270 public educators were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. in the first nine months of this year, ranging from grooming to raping underage students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital found that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, at least 269 educators were arrested, which works out to roughly one arrest a day.

The 269 educators included four principals, two assistant principals, 226 teachers, 20 teacher’s aides and 17 substitute teachers.   more

16 Comments on At least 269 K-12 educators arrested for assault against minors in first 9 months of this year

  1. Most teachers are Democrats. Most Democrats are perverts. Makes sense that there are so many perverted teachers. So many of them seem to be women these days. They arrested another one near me yesterday, a 41 year old female librarian and not too bad looking. She’s out on $300,000 bail.

  2. It’s true, there are only 3 primary motives behind sin: Greed, power, and sex. Each of these has its peculiar adherents who make a beeline for a reliable source:

    Banks attract bank robbers.
    Government attracts politicians.
    Schools attract pedophiles.

  3. I’ve said it over and over, and Abigail noted the same. Wherever there are children, pedophiles will come and try to take advantage. School, sports, religious, scouts, wherever, an organization absolutely must have a robust program to deter pedophiles – and when one is discovered it must act swiftly and appropriately. Catholic Church and Boy Scouts among the largest who didn’t take proper action. But none of these organizations can ever, ever say that there is nothing to worry about, because they are all under constant attack by pedos.

  4. The teachers’ unions did a good job getting the general public to put teachers on a pedestal.
    That always bugged me.
    In our house we’ve always said teaching is the best part time jib out there. Work 9 months. Summers and holidays off plus so-called workshop days.

    This bit from the article is very interesting and the media will ignore it because teachers nowadays are the biggest group of commie propaganda agents….

    According to that research, the scale of sexual abuse in the public schools is nearly 100 times greater than that of the Catholic Church,”

  5. (all of the above) Not only that, but we keep thowing more and more money at the schools and they keep getting worse! They suck more and more tax money out of the system without anything to show for it and to anyone who cites “inflation” I would remind them that as inflation increases, so does tax revenue!

  6. I watched a Christian couple I went to church with a long time ago become teachers and it wasn’t too long before they went far left. Apparently you will assimilate.
    What is it 12 to $14,000 per child for 9 months worth of education? But the teachers take home 12 months pay plus high class Benny’s.
    And for that society gets a high % of kids that can’t read, can’t do math and can’t write but they can text ok in gibberish just fine. Oh and play video games for hours everyday.
    If the school system and teachers got paid for the quality of their product they would make a buck an hour in some cases.

  7. @ Toenex OCTOBER 15, 2022 AT 10:19 AM

    Christian and “Christian” are in church for reasons diametrically opposite one another. If I were a betting man I would lay money on them being “Christian.”

  8. JDHasty OCTOBER 15, 2022 AT 10:59 AM
    “@ Toenex OCTOBER 15, 2022 AT 10:19 AM

    Christian and “Christian” are in church for reasons diametrically opposite one another. If I were a betting man I would lay money on them being “Christian.””

    …the late P.J.O’Rourke, who would be the first to tell you he was no saint himself, referred to the majority of the American church-going public as “Vaugely churched latitudinarians”. This seems pretty apt to me. Vaugely churched in that they HAVE been inside SOME sort of “church”, at least a building with a cross on it or in it somewhere, and have HEARD of this “Bible” thingy and maybe picked up a couple of the better-known stories during a Christmas or Easter visit to display their nice clothes to other people displaying thier nice clothes, but are “Latitudinarians” in that they allow a WIDE lattitude of departure from the Bible so you end up with churches with smoking areas hosting wine tasting parties where they discuss political candidates with their gay minister, things like that.

    Folks of this sort – again, the vast majority of American church goers – tend to use the one line in the Bible about “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged” in the same sort of broad-brush application that Democrats use the one line in the Preamble about “Promote The General Welfare” as pretty much a coverall to allow themselves and others whatever behavior they feel like doing or tolerating on any given day, without any context or further reading into the same passage. That’s where the meme “Don’t Judge Me!” comes from, and various shut-ups to people bringing forth the Word of God like “Being pretty judgy there for someone who isn’t supposed to judge aren’t you, Judgy McJudgerson?!?”.

    The Bible is hard. God’s Word is hard. Lots of people like to do stuff the Bible says they shouldn’t, and they don’t like you if you point that out. And given that everyone so wants to be liked, or at least not ostracized by the fellows on Game Day or the ladies who lunch, or persecuted by their Government for daring to say such things, so any excuse to grant that lattitude will do.

    Jesus himself knows you can’t be friends with everyone AND love him.

    And SAID so.

    “34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

    37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

    38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”
    Matthew 10:34-38

    Not saying I have a handle on it. I don’t. I’m actually WORSE because I KNOW the Word of God, but I SUCK at it, for some reasons I’ve gone into in detail here, and others that I haven’t, some of which are in the above passage, and some that aren’t. As a weak old man I am suceptible to many of the devil’s snares, particularly those he sets for my family. I do try to understand some things the Lord sets in my way, though, but this is sometimes made harder by the attitude of the Church and the people therein. Ministers and pastors are men as well, after all, and I speak as one who recently lost a pastor and a friend for reasons I won’t go into here, and am seeking another from a position of destroyed trust. Please pray for me that I find what I seek. I have heard it said that the Church is unique among institutions in that it is the most likely to shoot its own wounded. That seems to be the case many times, but it’s quite the tightrope to be able to deal with sin using love and not set the sinner at odds with God instead of bringing him closer to God. Even gentle reminders can seem judgemental condemnation when the Spirit convicts a person, and its very easy to make a person hate you and God and anyone who loves God if they think that’s the quickest way to make their own Spirit shut up and leave them alone.

    I don’t know where I’m going with this, so maybe I’d best shut up. I am no St. Augustine, no Moses, no prophet of the Lord at all, only an aging sinner who knows enough to see his own damnation in sin like a Cyclops can see his own death, but lacks the strenght or conviction to do more than pray the Lord to save him yet another time for he cannot do it himself.

    But folks like that Christian couple and many, many other jack Christians such as these are works in progress even as I am, even as the rest of us are. Maybe God can reach them, maybe he can’t, but it is ours to do what we can to walk that tightrope, try to pull them back without pulling ourselves off or without pulling them back so forcefully that they fight against it and we all fall down.

    Be careful that in your condemation of others, even righeous anger, that you do not neglect your duty to bring them to the Lord. He wants us all back, and wants us all to help one another. Few know as well as I how much bitterness at worldly behavior can drive you away from the only Savior that can help. I guess that’s a particular snare I’m trying to illuminate here so we don’t dangle together, if for no other reason.

    Yes, I know I said I’d shut up. You all know I’m bad at that too. But I’ll leave it with this.

    I have fought physical death many times. In strangers and in family, sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. I didn’t even know why when I first started doing so, but I know why now. The best reason for fighting physical death is not an end of itself, but to simply buy more time for them to find the Lord. That is the only thing that makes it worthwhile, always.

    We will all die in the flesh. This is not optional.

    But it is up to us whether we die in Spirit as well.

    God Bless,

  9. Democrats have the answer…normalize pedophilia. They are already well in their way, by rebranding pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons”. To eliminate the stigma. Evil never sleeps.

  10. SNS — Hold fast and continue standing, brother. You’re comment speaks truth from the Spirit. Praying for your (and my own) perseverance. It’s going to get harder, as you know.

  11. While I agree pedophiles go to where kids are, which the two largest places where they can get easy access is School and Church, we once didn’t have so many pedophiles, a direct result of the gay rights movement, which seemed to be the last nail in the coffin for a moral society. We also in the past didn’t have people in charge so willing to try and cover it up when children were molested. Once upon a time they went after them, did a much better job of never allowing them in. Then they decided nope we’re going to cover it up because it makes us look bad up until now the schools don’t really care about looking bad, they care about teachers keeping jobs, so let’s pretend like it didn’t happen or ask them to resign so they can go to another school, because the majority of them are members of a union.
    I guess really I can’t say now, because now it seems as if they recruit them and are all out in the open they are groomers.

    Cut the money off, it has been shown again and again more money doesn’t make better schools, it actually causes worse schools if you look at the results. I’m just speaking for my state, because I know the numbers better here, when teachers get raises and schools get more money, test scores drop along with graduation rates.

    Not to mention the wasted money on buses, equipment and buildings. Why do schools today need charter buses, new large SUVs and new enclosed trailers with graphics for band instruments, pom poms, and sporting equipment? How much crap do they need when their charter buses have storage? A local school with a total of 890 kids in 9th through 12th grade(the last time I looked at enrollment) travels to a football game with two charter buses, SUV pulling trailer. Then an activity bus for kids not on the team, a band member or cheerleader. What happened to kids traveling on regular school buses?
    Then speaking of school buses, why do these schools need new buses all the time? Not that long ago they kept the same old bus that was decades old until it got to the point it could no longer be pieced back together again. Now every year I see a new bus with their excuse they’re slowly replacing the older buses, yet what they call older is anything under 10 years old. One local school back at the end of August was notifying parents they couldn’t run a route because the bus was in repair and the only spare bus needed the A/C charged or repaired. So they can’t ride on a bus without A/C?
    Another school not far away just spending 100 million dollars on a new football stadium and another one spent 20 million on a new basketball gym. None of these are large schools, it’s stupid.
    My kids all played sports, so I’m not against sports or even spending some on sports, but these kids don’t need shit like this.

    In Oklahoma where the schools after the teacher’s raises a few years ago get 51% of the state budget, they went from bad to the worst in the nation, then they got covid money and are still whining teachers don’t make enough and schools need more money to fix them.

    Then idiot parents continue sending their kids to school to be groomed, molested, turned into homosexuals and transgenders while we’re being bled to death in taxes.


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