At least 73 Muslims arrested, convicted for terror from halted refugee countries – IOTW Report

At least 73 Muslims arrested, convicted for terror from halted refugee countries

Creeping Sharia:  

The data set doesn’t even include 2015-2016 or data prior to 2001.

Source: Seattle Judge Was Ignorant About Jihad Convictions Prior to Imposing Refugee Reform Ban – Breitbart

according to a database built by the Senate’s immigration subcommittee, the federal government has arrested and convicted at least 73 people from the seven countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen.

The Senate’s database was assembled despite repeated refusals by Obama’s deputies to provide immigration-related data to the Senate subcommittee in 2016.

However, by reviewing public data, at least 380 of the 580 individuals convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2014, were born abroad,” the report concluded in June 2016.



3 Comments on At least 73 Muslims arrested, convicted for terror from halted refugee countries

  1. “Has the government pointed to any evidence connecting these countries with terrorism?” asked Judge Michelle Friedland.

    Flentje, special counsel to the assistant attorney general at the Justice Department, countered that the lower court had overruled the President’s judgment about the level of risk from those countries. “The district court’s decision overrides the President’s national security judgment about the level of risk and we’ve been talking about the level of risk that’s acceptable,” he said.”

    Judge Friedland fired back: “Are you arguing then that the President’s decision in that regard is unreviewable (by a court)?”
    Flentje paused and eventually answered, tentatively, “yes.”
    Judge Richard Clifton called the government’s argument “abstract,” noting that procedures were already in place to vet visa applicants.

    It would have been kind of nice if Mr. Flentje had mentioned these 73 Muslims. If he had listed each one, their homeland, and their crimes, slowly and carefully. That would have been pretty concrete, since the judges are unimpressed by the abstract. But no. What gives?

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