“At least I’m not George Conway” – IOTW Report

“At least I’m not George Conway”

WFB: 2019 Man of the Year: Kellyanne Conway’s Husband.

Did your wife catch you ogling a bit too long at Kate Upton’s latest Instagram post? Maybe she got a bit upset after she found you passed out drunk on the couch this morning after saying you’d be right home to clean out the gutters? Are you taking heat because she noticed a credit card charge at the local titty bar from that day you said you were stuck working late at the office?

Our suggested response: “Hey, at least I’m not George Conway.”

George Thomas Conway III, best known as the husband to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, has done the impossible and made husbands across America look great. MORE

9 Comments on “At least I’m not George Conway”

  1. For some reason I suspect this is some kind of act put on to cause libtards to do something foolish, like trying to use him as a leaker. They are just waiting for the right time to reveal the libtard they tricked into doing something illegal.

  2. *points*
    Send this chubby fatty to the gym immediately! AND REVOKE HIS KRISPY KREME CARD!

    Until he repents he won’t be allowed even the smallest morsel of trans fat.


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