At least they’ll be vindicated! – IOTW Report

At least they’ll be vindicated!

PatriotRetort: 40% of respondents in an Echelon/Insights poll believe that Ted Cruz did the right thing during his speech at the Republican Convention.

As you can well imagine, the NeverTrump folks are thrilled! They are flooding websites and Twitter to “LOL!!” at the news. Yes! Cruz stood up to that bully Trump! Trump is going to go down in flames!! He’s gonna lose big! And when he does Ted Cruz will be vindicated, and the #NeverTrump movement will get to rub everyone’s faces in it!!!

LOL!!! Suck it Trumpkins!!!!

On November 8th when Hillary makes her acceptance speech, Americans will be left with that sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs, but at least Ted Cruz will be vindicated! And the whole #NeverTrump movement will be able to do a dance of triumph on America’s grave.

#CruzCrew! Yeah! You Trumpkin losers!!!

When Hillary Clinton gives her shrill, pandering Inaugural Address, #NeverTrump can all stand proud knowing that in the end — even if our Republic gets destroyed — their decision to help her win was not for nothing. No siree! Sure, she’ll destroy the country, but Trump is a bully for setting Cruz up at the Convention! And now Cruz will be vindicated!!!


As Obamacare becomes further entrenched in our society, they can all hold their heads high!

While our sovereign borders are destroyed and Amnesty granted to the twelve million (or more) illegal aliens, they will furiously plan for Cruz’s big comeback in 2020.

There’s no doubt that ISIS will manage to secrete even more of its fighters onto our soil as President Hillary expands the refugee program. But, fear not! You can rest easy after the next terrorist attack knowing that eventually, down the road, at some point in the future (we know not when) Cruz will be vindicated!!

While we watch the Supreme Court devolve into the strong arm of the Institutional Left for a generation, the #NeverTrump movement can walk with a spring in their step because in the long run, they will have their moment to be vindicated!!!  –MORE

23 Comments on At least they’ll be vindicated!

  1. That video from last week of the Anti-Trump protester who tried to burn the flag and set himself on fire pretty much sums up the #NeverTrump movement, though, I’m sure they’d take offense at that.

  2. I suspect many of these folks are shills for the Democrats trying to keep the #NeverTrump alive. Soros will fail. Only the mentally unstable will go from Cruz to vote for Hilliary.

    I think the majority of Cruz supporter understand what is at stake, and the Trump platform, if one can believe Cruz, was mostly adopted by Cruz anyways. They also saw what a petty man he is. His big money donors just dumped him.

    I picture pajama boy in his mother’s basement, complete with Hilliary posters, logging onto his 50 social accounts denouncing Trump as a Cruz supporter on some sites, praising Hilliary on others. I think we’ll see in November how pathetic their numbers really are.

  3. I’m surprised the number is so low. It always makes someone feel good to tell a stranger asking them questions (pollsters) the answers that make them sound better, more moral or whatever. That doesn’t mean for a moment that they won’t vote or that they won’t vote for Trump. The nevertrump squad is probably also filled with people that will end up voting for Trump when push comes to shove. Cruz destroyed his career for nothing, in fact you could make a case that Cruz’s stand at the convention was the act of a vainglorious attention seeker who refused to act in favor of the greater good (making sure Clinton is defeated). I’m still so disappointed with him.

  4. Here’s the sad part about this whole thing. Redstate and the others only picked Cruz because he was [ a long distance away] #2 behind Trump. If it were Kasich, or Bush at #2 they’d be promoting one of them instead! This was never about a love for Cruz, this was always about nevertrump. Cruz just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
    You guys know what a pig party is? Well, they made Cruz the ‘winning pig’ at the political pig party.

  5. I preferred Cruz over Trump in the Primary. Like most, it was an easy conscience transition to Trump.
    I had hoped (and still do) that Cruz comes out in strong support of Trump which will release the few Cruz faithful from the lost cause. The stakes are too high for Cruz to be ambiguous and those principled Cruz supporters to allow Hillary a possibility of success.
    Vote your Conscience, Vote Trump.

  6. For all you ‘undecideds’, Cruzborgs and #NT-ers, here’s an exercise you might use to figure out where you stand. It’s sort of like the bend and snap, “Works every time!”

    From July through November 8th, you spent all your online time either bashing Trump or telling everyone that you are a ‘Cruz guy’ and you’re ‘holding your nose’ (and adding that you have to because Trump is an SOB), or you spent your time actively working against the Republican campaign by promoting Hillary in order to get her elected (and the ‘Cruz 2020′ fever is in full swing). In other words, you did a little or a lot to feed Hillary’s victory.

    It’s now November 9th.

    Hillary wins by a narrow margin, which is later revealed to have been possible through the efforts of #NT and Cruzborgs (It’s not a stretch because already she is using Ted Cruz’ ‘Vote Your Conscience’ rhetoric as a cornerstone of her campaign against Trump).

    What does it feel like to now be rightfully perceived as a pariah to the Republican party and the conservative movement in America? Do you think it will be possible to get a majority of people you’ve betrayed to come and support Ted Cruz in 2020? Keep in mind that he will not be the only candidate running. In fact, Ted Cruz would have probably been kicked out of the Republican Party by then.

  7. I am a Cruz guy. My guy lost. I am going to vote for Trump and tell everyone else to do the same. I am seriously tired of all the people insisting I must agree with them that Cruz is a dick. Move on people.

  8. @Ohio Dan — But you’ve just described why people don’t insist you, personally, agree Cruz is a dick. Fur’s and others’ admonition is not directed at people like you who get it.

    You, personally, understand why it’s necessary to not only vote for Trump and to tell everyone you know to do the same without finding it also necessary to tell them to that you are a ‘Cruz guy’ (and everything that goes with that).

    We can’t move on until we turn the hard-core #NT-ers or cut them off from having a more deleterious affect. They fully understand the insidious nature of their efforts.

  9. Ohio,

    I said in my post I am not, or ever will be #NeverCruz. I am #NeverLeft.

    So, I don’t insist you think Cruz is a dick. I insist you agree that what he did in this episode was a dick move, and it’s important to do so because Cruz has become the security blanket #NeverTrump is clinging to. And we cannot move on until people see that Cruz is not worth what we are facing here.
    Yes, you understand that.
    Others do not. And it’s getting grim.

    Trump’s made many dick moves. It’s okay to admit it.

    Cruz letting his followers know that it’s okay no matter what they do in November, including allowing Hillary to win, because they followed their conscience, was a huge dick move.

    Muhammad Ali was a pariah amongst the right for following his conscience when bowing out of Vietnam.

    I consider what we are doing right now a war against the left. Cruz told people it’s okay to flee to Canada.

    Not cool. Dickish.

    Cruz will have his time again one day, and I will support him.
    It’s Trump’s time now.
    Everyone should line up behind that dic… wait, what??

    You know what I mean!

  10. I only referring to a few who are still that are still doing it. A guy at work came in with the Cruz is a dick rap and so did my son in law just now. I see a lot of it on the internet too. Those guys are just fanning the flames of Trump resentment. I wrote a piece on not having to like a candidates on a personal level to vote for them. That is what I am doing here. Trump is by far the preferable choice to Shrillary. Was he my first choice no but that doesn’t matter. What matters is Hillary not selecting Supreme Court justices on down. Not putting a traitorous profiteering bitch in charge of our Military. Putting a businessman in charge of government instead of a scum sucking politician in charge of businessmen.

  11. Ohio Dan — Cruz spent a lot of time between Indiana and Cleveland under wraps, apparently unwilling to honor the pledge he signed to support the prospective nominee. He spent that time engaged in #NT efforts with NR, Romney, Beck, Levin, and so on. When people say #NT and Pro-Cruz-ers, they’re really talking about the same thing. They are the same thing. It was Cruz’ people, his delegates who undertook all the legal attempts to “free the delegates” — they were the only ones who could work within the framework of the convention rules to try to do that. Unruh of Colorado was the delegate who attempted the convention delegate coup — twice! Mike Lee was at her side in this. They wasted the first two days right there in trying to violate the will of the people who already decided the nomination, fairly and squarely. I would add that the proof of Cruz’ involvement is his hand-chosen delegates would not have done this without his express approval. He could have stopped this at any time between Indiana and Cleveland.

    When Trump met with Republican leaders in D.C. (the week or week and a half previous to the convention, I can’t remember), he also met with Cruz, individually. If you’ll recall, it was public knowledge then that Trump neither sought nor got Cruz’ agreement to endorse him. Again, Cruz failed to honor his pledge. At this point, everyone was getting pretty angry at Cruz for not just honoring the pledge, but making a big stink over it. And you may also recall that Ryan was doing the same thing — only his was on again, off again. And though Ryan didn’t sign a pledge, he was making a big ass of himself and not endearing himself to the 14 million of us who already decided the nominee. Priebus and the rest of the RNC were trying to get the Senate and Congressional R’s on board and doing a great job and then we’ve got these very vocal and visible R leaders causing disunity mayhem wherever they went and for no good reason. What? Were they also thinking they could upset the nomination at the convention and countermand every voter who cast a ballot starting in Iowa? The whole thing was absurd. And Cruz’ nonsense just got crazier and crazier — starting with campaign shenanigans and working its way through the spring with #NT, and delegate poaching and on and on and on.

    Then come convention week, day 3 (after Unruh and Lee’s stuff), the whole of Wednesday was filled with uplifting, encouraging speakers, people were starting to see the light at the end of the #NT tunnel and instead it turned out to be Cruz with a flashlight, tunneling his way in like the gopher from Caddy Shack. And the flashlight turned out to be the ignition source of about a ton of dynamite he spewed forth in his speech that night. And all with a twinkle of glee in his eyes. That was just last Wednesday. Not even a week ago!

    If people are really, really outraged, who can blame them for still talking about it only four days afterward? Particularly since the D’s are now using ‘Vote Your Conscience’ in such a spectacularly effective way.

    Sorry, butthurt #NT’ers are just going to have to have a little more empathy if people are still more than a little pissed off at the unrepentant #NT crowd. Cruz blew it wide open and now those who voted otherwise are unreasonably expected to just get over it.

  12. my mind can be changed. show me a good trump ground game, a viable approach to the Bernie Bros and a respectable deportment that successfully brings in independents and unfavorables south of 50%. Otherwise you’re going to lose this collision with a glacier (which the boomers among us could have foreseen for years but let the Reagan amnesty happen, bush do his thing and gave us McCain and Romney) … For now I’m counting on idiot BB’s to help get the LP past the 15% threshold for debates. It’s a shitty outcome but the least shitty realistic one.

  13. Let’s make a couple things clear. Many of us are voting GJ in the hopes the Overton window can change. We aren’t going to beat Hillary and it is going to be a wide, depressing margin. We will lose the Supreme Court and the ongoing distraction of the ‘culture war’. We will face 2018 and 2020 a fully fractured party. I won’t associate or give money to people who make arguments for trump the way many of you do. Ever again. The lack of civility and extension of trumps rhetorical style to his lap dogs and media fanboys just isn’t going to fly. This is a demographic fracturing that is not survivable – neither is the loss of fundraising money for future non billionaire candidates. W is a piece of shit but he may be right that he’ll be the last republican president. Too bad it’s his own fault.

  14. “Many of us are voting GJ in the hopes the Overton window can change.”
    like that’s gonna happen by voting for Johnson …. just after you posted hope for the LP to bring in the Bernie’s … seriously, delusional much?
    that scenario will make it a win for Clinton, just like the other two Clinton elections

    purposely losing with your ‘dignity’ intact is still going to help to hand over the US to the socialists/communists … but, hey … at least you can smugly say to your gulag-mates how you didn’t support the only person that could have changed the outcome, because you ‘voting your conscience’ … be sure to say ‘hi’ to Beck & Levin for me

  15. @Gwaricon — Something heavy must have fallen on your head. Gary Johnson? Pat Paulsen would stand a much better chance. At least more people know who he was.

  16. Neither is particularly hopeful, but GJ has been pandering hard to the BBs… Would have preferred Peterson but GJ will do. Also mathematically no, my weltanschauung is shared by so few that my vote can only ever contribute if the Bernie Bros chanting “lock her up” join me.

    You are mistaken about gulags. She will change the tax structure, push for social programming that will become sacrosanct to the gimme culture millennials, she will tolerate ongoing terror like the euros, and she will ignore working class Americans. Far fewer people will want to become police and cities will be less safe. The debt will rise and the can will be kicked down the road because as lousy as we are doing, everyone else is doing worse. But There will not be uprisings. And just as you boomers didn’t stand up and change the conversation in the past, muddling along back when hw bush was the ‘most important election of our lifetime’, you won’t do anything under Clinton 2.0 either. And if you think trump is the unifying voice to stand up now, you just can’t be very good at math or national electoral political analysis and understanding the numbers involved in actually winning. Show me the numbers and convert me.

  17. And – my boomer friends – it is YOU who handed the country over to socialists and communists when you let them control the schools, the media, the movies and music for the last 30+ years… you could have boycotted, let your money talk, you could have insisted on stronger advocacy for academic and intellectual diversity in public education and state schools, you could have fought the teachers unions the way thatcher fought the coal miners. But you didn’t. this is like being stunned that you are on a collision course w a glacier. Now your false prophet can tell you whatever you want to hear because there is sadly no real recourse.

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