At Pennsylvania hearing, Rudy Giuliani alleges major voting irregularities during state’s election – IOTW Report

At Pennsylvania hearing, Rudy Giuliani alleges major voting irregularities during state’s election

Just The News:

Trump lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday alleged major voting irregularities in Pennsylvania during a hearing in that state, claiming that Republican vote watchers were denied access to oversee the vote-counting process during the state’s presidential election.

Giuliani was speaking at a Pennsylvania State Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing convened by state Republicans to examine allegations of voter irregularities there. Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano said the meeting was convened after sustained complaints from residents “regarding issues experienced at the polls, irregularities with the mail-in voting system and concerns whether their vote was counted.” read more

Link to the hearing

23 Comments on At Pennsylvania hearing, Rudy Giuliani alleges major voting irregularities during state’s election

  1. Equal Protection Clause was shat upon by these Democrat miscreats. My parents came from third world countries. They were desperate to leave this garbage behind them and secure a future for their children. I grew up believing that my vote was the equal to anyone else. This is hard to take in because it was done with absolute impunity.

  2. Just got back from hearing – my Rep was involved and asked questions/made points.

    He told me on the way out the door that they WILL be doing something.

    The comment about Ben Franklin and “keeping the democracy” is the BIG FOCUS.

  3. The chances of a single spike like that are infinitesimally small. A second event of that nature raises that to the 2nd power. I think they have documented at least six. That would lower the probability to the 6th power. That shrinks the likelihood to insignificant. It started very close to zero and is now indistinguishable from zero percent chance of that happening.

  4. Looks like this shit’s been going on forever. Now I believe Trump trounced Hillary in 2016, both electorally and with popular vote. Romney probably beat the useless JUG-EARED black messiah in 2012. And were just catching on? Shame on the RNC, shame on the RINOs, shame on the DOJ, shame on the entire sewer swamp rat-infested, broken system!

    Fuck it.

  5. I will continue to urge my State Senator and State Rep (who were both at the meeting) to release the Kraken!

    I always thought Rudy G. was taller. He’s about an inch taller than me (but about 125 lbs lighter).

    Go Rudy Go!

    We are proud of our Rep. Reps and Senators — now they must deliver.

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