At the reception – IOTW Report

At the reception

irish wedding reception

h/t Sharon

8 Comments on At the reception

  1. There was a Gypsy wedding in Tullamore some years ago.
    Police from around the county mustered at the local station in
    anticipation of the usual brawl. All went well ’till about 5 pm, when suddenly all hell broke loose. The police broke it up and the Sargent questioned the best man as to how it happened.
    “Well Sarge,” said the best man.” I was dancin’ with the bride when the groom kicked her right in the arse.” “Well, said the Sargent,” was it a friendly type of kick or a hard kick.”? “It was a hard, mean kick” said Tony. “He broke four of me fooken fingers.”

  2. Well, as long as we’re doing Irish jokes…

    “My god! What happened to you?” the bartender asked Paddy as he walked in on a crutch with one arm in a cast and his face black and blue.

    “I got into an argument with Mick”, replied Paddy.

    “Mick? He’s just a wee fellow,” the barman said, surprised, “He must have had something in his hand!”

    “Aye, that he did!” replied Paddy, “A shovel it was!”

    “Dear lord…but.didn’t you have anything in your hand, Paddy?” asked the barman.

    “Aye, that I did – Mick’s wife’s breast”, Paddy said, “And a beautiful thing it was to behold, but not much use in a fight.”


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