At the UN, Trump rightly stands up for national sovereignty – IOTW Report

At the UN, Trump rightly stands up for national sovereignty

“If you want freedom, take pride in your country,” President Trump told the United Nations on Tuesday. “If you want democracy, hold onto sovereignty. And if you want peace, love your nation.”


Whatever drawbacks there are to electing Trump as president, this has always been one of the benefits. He is never afraid to stand up for popular self-government and the greatest guarantor self-government has ever had: the nation-state.

Trump did very well in his Tuesday speech to the U.N. General Assembly to reassert, once again, that the nation-state is a good thing; speaking as he was in an institution with misguided supranational ambitions. This was something U.N. bureaucrats and diplomats needed to hear from the leader of the free world.

International institutions have a place. They serve a purpose in creating opportunities for nations to cooperate and pursue common interests where they exist. That includes the U.N., the World Trade Organization, the European Union, NATO, and others.

But Trump also recognizes that the role of such global institutions is very specific and limited, based on partnerships freely entered (and also freely dissolved) by national governments.

The U.N. has no right, Trump pointed out, to harass member governments for preserving free citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms or for protecting innocent human life from abortion. more

6 Comments on At the UN, Trump rightly stands up for national sovereignty

  1. Amen Mr President; “The U.N. has no right, Trump pointed out, to harass member governments for preserving free citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms or for protecting innocent human life from abortion.” Now kick the UN out of the USA!

  2. It was a speech among speeches. Listen to the whole thing if you haven’t. He went after China like nobody’s business. His example of technology theft by their gov’t run tech of Micron’s product designs was breathtaking. This is what Biden and his son, the Clintons and Oblowme sold for their 30 pieces of silver. Micron and tens of thousands of American manufacturing companies and who knows how many living wage jobs.

    If no one is ever prosecuted and sent to prison for this pay-for-influence episode, then it’s true, there is no justice in this country under the Constitution.

  3. He outlined what it means to be a legitimate nation based on freedom as the foundation of a legitimate world community. He seems to be the only leader in the world right now willing to do that. Who knew he would carry this deep message to the world at this point while embroiled in a struggle against corruption within his own nation? I think it warrants being called the “Trump Doctrine” and I look forward to hearing him expound on it further. He’s a deeper thinker than people give him credit for.

  4. Shivers hearing this now.
    A US President going to a organization that the US never had to embrace and sponsor, and attempting to reason with all along.
    The ungratefulness of the UN has been displayed since their inception.
    Now is the time to lay it all out and than enforce.
    Been fair too long in the ignorance,,,


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