“At this time, I rescind my endorsement of Chairwoman McDaniel” – IOTW Report

“At this time, I rescind my endorsement of Chairwoman McDaniel”

Chairman of Nebraska GOP rescinds endorsement of Ronna McDaniel for RNC Chair.

The chair of the Nebraska Republican Party has rescinded his endorsement of current RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a statement released on Monday.

“At this time, I rescind my endorsement of Chairwoman McDaniel,” Underwood wrote, adding that he will “not make any further public endorsement for any leadership level at the RNC.”


“Furthermore,” he said, “I have decided to bring the question of RNC Leadership to a vote of the elected members of the Nebraska Central Committee at our January 21st meeting. I will present a vote to the 166 SCC members as to their desire for RNC Chair & I will represent the will ‘of the people’ as such.”

The statement was in response to the 168 members of the RNC “and Republicans across the nation” after noticing that the right is “subjecting ourselves to a ‘relational’ political paradigm VERSUS a platform & values-based governance of our party.”

“Let me be clear, if these next six weeks before our RNC 2023 Winter Meeting are about publicly declaring sides, earning favor, & the “loyalty” to any leadership, OR choosing to fight for the people of Nebraska…

“I chose the people of Nebraska,” he wrote. MORE

12 Comments on “At this time, I rescind my endorsement of Chairwoman McDaniel”

  1. I hope they put Harmean Dillon in her place. I love her and she would make a really good leader. She said last night on Tucker she was willing to put her law practice on hold to fulfill the job.

  2. Good! For just the way she treated Trump after the whole election debacle 2020. Almost like she knew that was suppose to happen and he’s now persona non grata so there’s no need to push for election scrutiny. Also, she didn’t return Trump’s calls that night. She stinks.

  3. Smells like PR Damage-Control.
    Re-arrange the chairs so the stupid proles can’t figure out what’s happening before the RNC starts licking the [feet] of the DNC, ComIntern, and the Globaloney Genocidal Malefactors in the WEF.
    Even Kevin McCarthy’s put on his tough-guy persona!
    Ooooooo … the Nihilistic Totalitarians [the guys who’ve murdered millions worldwide without batting an eyelash] are terrified!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. So looking forward to those fox perinos getting their clean shaven heads on broadcast TV before all is said and done.

    This glass onion was written way before notflicks even thought of it.

    Wait’ll you find out who the whom really is at the end of this particularly delicious pre-written Way in advance of these current times mystery.

    You may recognize their botoxed plastic janus faces on a TV near you.

  5. Newsflash: There is infinitely more distance between Constitutional conservatives and the Republican establishment than there is between the Republican establishment and the Democrat Party. The Republican establishment is an enemy of true Americans. Only the slowest of the slow on the uptake can fail to recognize that at this point.

  6. I recall watching Mitt throw the election in ’12. I recall the blown elections since, up to and including the ’22 mid terms. RINOs, we really can’t call the chairman of the RNC a RINO can we? The republican party is not a champion of individual liberty and constitutional rights, rather it is a false alternative to the neo Marxist democrat party. Both are insistent that the course we are on as a nation is a good one, as though queering kids in school is a good idea (among the myriad stupid and destructive policies the ruling elite are pushing on our poor suffering ex-republic).

  7. “The republican party is not a champion of individual liberty and constitutional rights, rather it is a false alternative to the neo Marxist democrat party.”

    Proven, beyond any doubt, by their record. Which you can trace back to GHWB being forced onto Ronald Reagan’s ticket.


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