At UNC, ‘Christmas vacation’ is now a microaggression – IOTW Report

At UNC, ‘Christmas vacation’ is now a microaggression

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill issued a guide this week which instructs students that Christmas vacations and telling a woman “I love your shoes!” are “microagressions.”

AT: We are rapidly getting to the point where any word in the English language uttered by a white male within earshot of an oppressed minority will be considered a microaggression.

Here’s the latest list of no-no words compiled by the University of North Carolina.

16 Comments on At UNC, ‘Christmas vacation’ is now a microaggression

  1. I’m so fucking tired of hearing about Micro Aggresion I think I’m going to start a business curing it with Macro Aggresion. I’ll bring my new clients in a locked room, jump out and chase them around only wearing a thong. I know, not a pretty picture, but I’m looking for investors. Please call me at 876-5309.

  2. Can’t wait for the day these poofs discover that everything outside of their bed blankets is a micro aggression. And I hope they ‘bed sore’ till they die.

  3. “I love your shoes!”
    You fukkin kidding? I have NEVER said that to ANYONE – not even my wife.
    Can’t honestly say I have ever even NOTICED anyone’s shoes.

    That’ll crimp the style of the faggot community.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I have a friend that said the word “Oriental” as it related to a food choice. Was called Racist.

    His response? “Shut up.”

    Then he gave them this information:

    Oriental / Occidental
    – ‘occident’ is from the Latin term for the west, originally meaning ‘falling’, ‘setting’ or ‘perishing’ (as in sunset); ‘orient’ is from the Latin term for the east, originally meaning ‘rising’ or ’emerging’, (as in sunrise).

    Occidental hemisphere is the western/setting hemisphere, incorporating the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses.

    Oriental hemisphere – the eastern/rising hemisphere, incorporating the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th, and 11th houses.

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