At United Nations, Clinton Gives Trump Golden Opportunity – IOTW Report

At United Nations, Clinton Gives Trump Golden Opportunity

Breitbart: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton plans to mingle with foreign leaders at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly next week. Her goal is to use the UN as a backdrop to display her foreign policy credentials, and contrast her experience with that of Republican rival Donald Trump.

Perhaps Clinton hopes to undo Trump’s successful visit to the president of Mexico last month. However, by associating herself with the UN, she has given Trump a golden opportunity.

The UN is a corrupt and destructive institution that Americans do not trust — for good reason. A recent Gallup poll showed that 54% of Americans think the UN does a poor job, while only 38% think it does a good job.

Over the past eight years, the Obama administration has actually used the UN toundermine America’s influence, interests and image in the service of his own radical left-wing agenda — and as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton participated wholeheartedly in that sorry effort.

Over and over again, for example, President Barack Obama took crucial national security decisions to the UN Security Council before approaching Congress.  MORE

7 Comments on At United Nations, Clinton Gives Trump Golden Opportunity

  1. This underscores the plot by the Clintons to install SickWillie as UN secretary general if Cankles gets the White house. The dumb Arkansas hillbillies cannot even mask their gut driven greed for their world domination plot anymore. This is like Hitler on Steroids Times Two. Pull the plug on them before it is too late for our America!

  2. My mother’s dad (lumberjack/farmer) was never very much political. The only time she heard him discuss politics was when he said that the %$!#@ UN was anti-American.

    I come from good stock.

  3. Hillary’s foreign policy credentials consist entirely of making unfixable messes in the Middle East and Ukraine, and completely ignoring the China problem in Mexico and Central/South America.

    She is utterly incompetent. Charles Manson would have done a better job. On a bad day.

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