ATF Permanently Relocating More Agents to Violence-Plagued Chicago – IOTW Report

ATF Permanently Relocating More Agents to Violence-Plagued Chicago


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is permanently relocating more agents to gun-controlled Chicago in the wake of the city’s nearly 800 homicides in 2016 and the upward trend in violence during January 2017.

The new agents will be part of the “Chicago Crime Guns Strike Force.”

According to CNN, “ATF headquarters in Washington sent out a bulletin to field offices around the country Wednesday looking for agents to volunteer for permanent transfer to the Chicago area.” An unidentified official said “it’s unusual to ask for permanent relocation in reaction to a specific problem.” Normal practice is for the agency to request a surge of agents “for 30 to 60 days.”

January 2017 saw a surge in shootings and violence that easily surpassed the violence witnessed in January 2016. According to the Chicago Tribune, “At least 228 people were shot in Chicago [January 1 through January 22, 2017].” That was an increase of 16 victims above the number shot during the same period in 2016. And there were “at least 42 homicides,” marking a “23.5 percent … [increase from] the 34 homicides from the same period in 2016.”

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21 Comments on ATF Permanently Relocating More Agents to Violence-Plagued Chicago

  1. I think Rahm is now damaged goods as far as the left is concerned. No great job waiting for him now, no high profile position after this Chicago gig. I think he’s going to fade away with his phone calls unreturned and his emails vanishing without opening. Maybe his brother can get him a gopher job out in HollyLeft.

  2. The BATF should be dismantled. But if that can’t be done, it would be good to see them re-tasked on going after gang bangers instead of setting traps for gun dealers and smiths.

  3. There are two ways to stop shootings in Chicago.

    #1. No guns allowed – This is really the only option being a liberal hellhole. Let’s run with it. First, close off the city limits, no one in and no one out for a couple days while a huge task force sweeps the area to remove all guns. To make this as painless as possible, everyone will have a chance to hand them over without any punishment. Once the task force is confident that at least 99.9% of all guns are gone from the city, then setup permanent roadblocks to check all persons and their belongings traveling into the city. On highways, airports, buses, subways, airports, etc. No exceptions. Even cops not allowed because we know their weapons go lost or stolen.

    #2. Grant everyone their constitutional right to own and carry.

    Where is Chicago headed? #1 fo’sho because it’ll cost the most, make the least sense, have the worst impact, and strip rights from people.

  4. Hmmm, isn’t that called Martial law? I’m more of a #2 kind of person these days. Because then you never know who’s packing heat, so it would make sense to be nice to everyone you meet. No? I could be wrong.

  5. I think this is a mistake. The feds now ‘own’ the problem and the left can whine and complain about the process and progress.

    Stinkin’ city will probably supply more guns, hide evil-do-ers, and maybe even plan gun-crimes for the criminals.

  6. BATFE – the American Einsatzgruppen.
    Good luck in Chicago.

    Gonna have the thugs fill out forms?
    How’d that “Fast and Furious” thing turn out? All cleared up?
    Now Chicago will drown in small arms.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @anonymous>> maybe YOY could join for a few days or it could be less depending on how you react to the shootings–duck and cry or run and hide. Your remark was evil.

  8. I’m sure they would have to sweeten the deal to get anyone to take that job.
    And just how will they help? Surround the place, shut off water and electric like Waco and move the tanks in?

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