PJM: Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, admitted that a key detail of his article about Trump could be wrong during an interview with CNN on Sunday.
“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ‘the helicopter couldn’t fly’ and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true,” Goldberg wrote in his piece published last week. According to Goldberg, President Trump was overheard saying he wanted to cancel the trip to the cemetery because “it’s filled with losers.”
At least fifteen Trump administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have now disputed the Atlantic report, including former national security adviser John Bolton.

FOIA documents have also definitively proved that Trump’s visit to the cemetery was canceled due to weather. When Goldberg was asked about evidence that the cancelation was due to inclement weather, he admitted that it was likely true.
“I’m sure all of those things are true,” he told CNN. more
Cease and desist with all false news.
Just one SMALL detail…
ALL of it. 🙄
We could sure use an updating of our libel laws re anonymous political sources…this kind of political hatcheting has got to end…our republic is at stake.
Sarge 524, your right, echoing these haters only encourages them.
Journalists used to confirm the veracity of their source before they’d go to print.
Now it seems to be “The more it smells, the more it sells”.
His “story” was jack-shit and Jack has left the building.
What he probably said was” All the people in the cemetery lost their lives” Retold and shortened 20 times it comes out that everyone in that cemetary is a loser. A distinct possibility.
If Jeffery could man-up and written “is”, instead or “could be” wrong. He might have knocked a few points off his total jackass score. But he cannot, and he did not.
SUE THE FUCKERS! I understand the bar for defamation and slander is set higher for public figures but this is very likely a made up hit piece just prior to an election. It sounds like they made no reasonable effort to fact check an extremely demeaning and damaging story and an investigation would likely prove it was a lie meant to damage his reputation as well as his election chances. If he gets a real Judge they would allow this to go forward and because of the nature of the crime the damages could be limitless (no more easy living for Mrs. Jobs). The mere fact that the editor appeared on CNN to say that “pieces” may be untrue proves that Atlantic, the authors and likely the aforementioned Mrs. Jobs have crapped their collective pants and are trying to set up for a retraction. Don’t let them Mr. President.
Trump Goes out of his way to Bring Back soldiers and Citizens that are captive and at the end of the CNN interview he said the exact opposite of what everyone has seen with their eyes on TV.
He attends way more Military functions, graduations, repatriations than anyone I have ever seen.
Turdeau still has 2 Canadians being held in Communist CHYNA as he shops online for pretty socks but CNN thinks the Turd is great.
That’s still close enough for the Widow Jobs. Goldberg is the right man for the wrong job. This is not something that will cause her to lose face with her Leftist Friends. In fact, it will probably encourage her to continue slandering President Trump.
We should be prepared for a parade of Trump bashers lined up by the TDS leftist between now and election day.
Tump’s ex-layer Michael Cohen’s book, “Disloyal: A Memoir,” is out with accusations of racism, hatred of Obama just because he was black, love of Putin, and other unethical actions.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/cohen-trump-book/2020/09/05/235aa10a-ef96-11ea-ab4e-581edb849379_story.html .
” … Cohen lays out an alarming portrait of the constellation of characters orbiting around Trump, likening the arrangement to the mafia and calling himself “one of Trump’s bad guys.” He describes the president, meanwhile, as “a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man.” …”