‘Attack the Right, gain credibility’: Kick-A*S thread on how the ‘evangelical elite’ treat the Left versus the Right – IOTW Report

‘Attack the Right, gain credibility’: Kick-A*S thread on how the ‘evangelical elite’ treat the Left versus the Right


This is one of those threads that is so damn good we really don’t have much to add … that of course, won’t stop us from rambling on and on but yeah. This is how the elite stays elite, at least in their small minds.It’s long but well worth the time to read so grab a snack. READ

5 Comments on ‘Attack the Right, gain credibility’: Kick-A*S thread on how the ‘evangelical elite’ treat the Left versus the Right

  1. Fact is that those “evangelical elite” are a cult of false prophets who have infiltrated churches and elsewhere and who will see their due. Names: Diane Yaros & Family, Scott Mahaffey, Vicky and Spiros Arnakis, “pastor” Ed Moore & Family (Northshore Baptist Church), Dawn Bogdany & Son, Nicotra Family, and many more who skulk the countryside with their fake bs.

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