Attacking the Powerless to Protect the Powerful – IOTW Report

Attacking the Powerless to Protect the Powerful

Patriot Retort: I think by now we’ve all been disabused of the notion that the role of the free press is to keep the powerful in check and to protect the powerless. One thing we learned during the Obama years is that the American corporate news media will protect the powerful at the expense of the powerless.

Remember the rodeo clown in an Obama mask?

Last week, some random guy said “Let’s Go Brandon” to President Joe Biden during a Christmas phone call covered live. And because Joe Biden’s brain is scrambled eggs and he has no idea what’s going on out here in the real world, the President repeated the phrase.

For committing the crime of humiliating the President, this powerless citizen is now the target of a full-scale attack by the American media.

Understand, they’re not targeting him because he committed a crime. They’re not even targeting him for saying “Let’s Go Brandon.” No, that’s not what got the media so upset. more here

8 Comments on Attacking the Powerless to Protect the Powerful

  1. And, of course,
    that the smellocrats have always been on the side of the
    ” Little Guy ”
    while the republicans have always been on the side of
    ” Big Business ”

    This LIE has been circulating for 100 years
    and there are still people who believe it.

    Is there any wonder why stupid asses are elected ?

    It’s because the voters sre stupid asses.

  2. Does anybody remember the press fawning over Bill C? Then a Republican got elected and they said “we learned our lesson, we are going to question the power!”
    Then along came Barry O and they went back to doing anything and everything to protect the President. Next: President Trump. We have to hold our leader in check.

    I am starting to see a trend, and this time, it is so blatant that the *Resident is incompetent, and they cannot help themselves.


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