Attempted Self-Poisonings Up Sharply Among Teens – IOTW Report

Attempted Self-Poisonings Up Sharply Among Teens

WFB: The number of teens attempting suicide through self-poisoning doubled between 2000 and 2018, a new study in the Journal of Pediatrics concludes.

The study, authored by a group of researchers based in Ohio and Kentucky, provides further evidence of an alarming increase in suicidality and attempted suicide among America’s youth.

Teen suicide is a growing challenge in the United States, with suicide now the second most common cause of death among 10-to-24-year-olds. Although teen suicide rates are lower than those of other age groups, their steady increase since 2007 has caused consternation among public health experts. This is especially so because of spiking rates of depression among the same age cohort.

CDC data indicate that most completed suicides, teen or otherwise, are attributable to either guns or asphyxiation. However, according to the new paper, for every completed suicide there are likely between 50 and 100 suicide attempts, acts which can result in long-term damage to a young person’s health and mental well-being. Many of these suicide attempts are through ingestion of poisonous substances.  read more

14 Comments on Attempted Self-Poisonings Up Sharply Among Teens

  1. Interesting isn’t it how there seems to be a direct correlation between the increase in psychologizing and therapizing and drugging school children along with social engineering esteem building and related…

    and a tanking of the mental health of children.

  2. This was a super accurate scientific study. “between 50 and 100 attempts” result in one suicide.

    87.9% of all statistics are made up on the spot. They couldn’t even get it to a tenth of a decimal place for the fake sob story.

  3. Possibly not suicides, but unintentional deaths resulting from trying out the latest popular fad to have a claimed “high.” Anything being hyped by entertainers is one of the most effective ways of badly influencing young minds.

  4. Given their past indoctrination, and their continuing doctrination, what do they have to live for, being they realize they’re not going to become a billionare, model or a rap star?

  5. Teenagers are depressed? Heh! Wait for the rest of your life when you’ve watched dozens of pets die, your parents die, your siblings die, your friends die, your livestock killed by lightning and high water, your mortgage and taxes go up astoundingly year by year, your joints go bad, your hair falls out, your tools get rusty, your roof leaks, your ass leaks, and your hands hurt so bad you can’t even pick up a framing hammer.

    When you got the guts for all that… come back and tell me how fucking depressed you are.

    And by the way, I’m not depressed.

    But not getting the sneakers you wanted for Christmas isn’t depression.

  6. Depression and hopelessness are when you can’t see G-d. G-d will always see you. G-d is hope. G-d is faith. G-d knows better than all of us. NOTHING happens but by the will of G-d.

    “Knowest Faust?”

    “The Doctor Faust?

    “My servant, he!”

  7. As the world drowns in mendacity, the moorings of civilization are ripped out, and an absurd Satanism becomes the “norm,” some will despair.

    It’s to be expected.

    And the nihilists who are pushing the agenda are glad that the existentials are willing to kill themselves – it saves them the trouble.

    izlamo delenda est …


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