Attention all white people – IOTW Report

Attention all white people

PR: “I will call for white people like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves [from police], when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police.” – Hillary Clinton to Wolf Blitzer on CNN

Who the hell does Hillary Clinton think she is lecturing all white people?

Then again, since she used the caveat “like myself,” maybe Hillary wasn’t talking to all white people. She certainly wasn’t talking to me.

I myself do not routinely break the law and get away with it.

At no time in my life did I put on a fake black accent while talking to black people.

Who are the “white people like myself” of whom Hillary speaks?

Rich, white Liberals whose only exposure to people of color is when they pass the maid on their way to the pool?

Funny how wealthy, entitled Liberal whites like Hillary think they have the moral authority to lecture everyone else simply because they share our skin pigmentation.

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26 Comments on Attention all white people

  1. Hey, Whitey!
    Earl Butz says you have those three things out of order.

    In 1976, he said, “I’ll tell you what coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That’s all!”


  2. I can’t find the poem just now. Part of it goes:

    And the words, words, words,
    the droning of the words..

    Except for the lingering words ringing hollow on the air, Killery will be even less than relevant in seven months. Obama will be less than relevant in seven months. Everyone’s attention will be focused on what we’re doing in America now that we’ve taken it back. We don’t have to cover our ears or mute the tee vee because they won’t be there!

    We no longer will have to try to defend our common sense position against the insanity of this woman and that man and his wife in our White House.

  3. “families who fear every time their children go somewhere”

    Bullshit. It’s not the cops who are feared, it’s other blacks that are the biggest danger.

    Anybody else ever have to walk late at night in south Los Angeles?
    We had the boy’s home van break down on the way back from a hockey game down around Vermont and a hundred and something street, back in 1973.

    We had a mixed bunch; the black counselor with military experience, the boys who were mostly former gang members – black, white, Mexican, from the Crips, Brims, Bloods, 18th Street, Hazzard, and so on, from the toughest gangs in L.A.
    Everybody in our group was worried about the unstable blacks roaming around, looking for trouble.

    Then, as we waited for our ride, a black guy came running out of the bar across the street, followed by another black guy working the trigger on a handgun. Hell of a heart pounding live entertainment show right there.

    We all hoped that the cops would show up. They never did. We had to wait for about an hour at a bus stop on south Vermont. It was a tense night for all of us.

    The biggest thing to fear is the people who are currently doing all the complaining and making all the demands. They are by far the more violent ones.

  4. Hey Hillary! The Sixties called. You left your morals, scruples, and honesty on the plant stand next to the lava lamp, an ashtray full of roaches and yer thesis on Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx! Go fuckyerself you disingenuous filthy, four-flushing, money grubbing, influence pedaling, lying, prevaricating, cold, calculating, dirty, deceitful, divisive, Benghazi-Bullshitting criminal business partner of the Arkansas bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll!

  5. Hillary Clinton can kiss my fat white ass.

    I work in one of the worst ghetto slums in the United States. I do NOT fear police officers; in fact I am always relieved to see them (and I see plenty because of my court’s proximity to Criminal Court).

    I DO fear the natives. There have been killings, stabbings, and Knockout Game casualties between the courthouse and the train station, a half-mile walk that I have to negotiate twice daily. I would start sweating bullets if some rowdy dindoo nuffin types came onto the train platform as I was waiting for the 5:53. A cop, not so much.

    So Hillary, yu can once again STUFF IT ’cause you’re wrong again, babe.

  6. Pure, unadulterated, BULLSHIT.
    When are the “blacks” gonna put on the shoes of “whites” and pay $20 Trillion to keep some segment of the population luxuriating in MadDog 20/20 and 50″ TVs?
    When are the “blacks” gonna make believe they’re law-abiding citizens and work, raise their children, pay their taxes, put down the drugs, quit fornicating like rats, and pay their own way in the world?
    When are the “blacks” gonna offer the world the innovation, industry, invention, scientific discovery, and civilization that the “whites” have provided?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought … fuck you, HRC, and your racist notions …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Dey ain’t no way in hell that blacks are buyin’ that bullshit.
    I think the bitch is cooked. She just “ain’t no way tiurd,”
    she’s totally exhausted. Phucked, I tell ya.
    I predict a total breakdown before October.

  8. Hillary says, As fer them blacks a killin blacks every day hurrah! keep it up! you got the right to be killin yo selves.
    the real problem is when de black criminal er-a victom of white supremacy gets killed resistin er-a is murdered by whit raciest people like me who need to change our ways! Black power and down with America! and don’d ay all forget to vote fer me!

  9. Every time I get pulled over for speeding I’m apologetic and POLITE. And guess what: not only am I ALIVE, but instead of giving me a ticket, the officers have given me WARNINGS. The last four times and in 4 different states !


  10. I took Hiilbilly’s advise and put myself in the shoes of a halfrican amerikan and you know what happened? Do y’all? I overcame my situation, became successful through hard work and a desire to get ahead. Then I looked in the mirror and realized I was the same successful indo European I have always been, finished shaving and went to work to support myself, my family and all those EBT addicts.

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