Attention Thumbsuckers! “Emotional First Aid Kits” are now available! – IOTW Report

Attention Thumbsuckers! “Emotional First Aid Kits” are now available!


James O’Keefe once again takes on the overly sensitive college policies and professors who are mollycoddling students on campuses across the country. This undercover video highlights the thought processes of two University of Houston faculty members who take political correctness to such an extreme that they help create “emotional first aid kits” distributed by the 99.99% Society as a way to protect students from “microaggressions”.



6 Comments on Attention Thumbsuckers! “Emotional First Aid Kits” are now available!

  1. I can see how hiring a complete fck’n idiot like Bobbie Sue might make the students feel better about themselves. Give them a good chance to hone their humor skills also.

  2. Great free market capitalist product and marketing idea. Even if it’s a net money loss, it would sure be fun to create that mind popping conundrum in special snowflakes.

    “I need my Emotional First Aid Kit, I’ve been majorly microaggressed. But the EFA Kit was made by an eeeeevil white hetronormative capitalist who doesn’t support gay rights or pay enough taxes. But I neeeeeed my EFA Kit. Whatever shall I doooooooo?”

  3. @Tard,
    They are, believe me. And they will be the first to go when the thinning of the herd starts, it’s gonna be yuge!

    First, we make them build the wall, paid for by Mexico, of course, but, they build it from the Mexico side, and when it’s finished, they’ll be in Mexico. Ha. Problem solved. I’m a problem solver.

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