Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Yes! Our tolerant and moral betters at the Huffington Post have given you almost guilt-free OK to drink beer and appropriate Mexican cuisine for yourselves this weekend!!! You may proceed to the store for your Dos Equis and Cuervo and salsa. Getting a pass from an outlet so plugged into progressive puritanism is a big deal don’t ya know. But tread carefully, Gringos. HuffPo’s Garin Pirnia is on to you:
“May 5 is Cinco de Mayo, an American-Mexican marketing holiday in which people drink an excessive amount of margaritas and Coronas, stuff their faces with discounted tacos and probably have no idea what the holiday actually represents….”
Eh. I’ll do it tomorrow.
As any good Englishman would tell you: “Never pass up a chance to celebrate a French Defeat”
I’ll be wearin’ my sombrero and playing La Cucaracha on my guitar while riding my burro down Main Street on my way to Jose’s Taco Stand.
“…have no idea what the holiday actually represents…”
They’re kidding, right?
A made up holiday. No different than the other made up holidays designed to separate you from your money.
Actually Cinco de Mayo is more of a U.S. holiday than a Mexican one (except in the State of Puebla, where the battle was fought). Cinco de Mayo is heavily promoted by advertisers here in order to sell beer, chips, salsa, and other related caca. Mexicans celebrate their actual Independence Day on September 16.
P.S. – And yes, @AbigailAdams, most people have no idea what the holiday actually represents.
I thought it was Cinco de Quatro
Did anybody else celebrate Cinco de mayo by going to taco bell to get a bean and cheese burrito with no onions because the fat mamacita who works there likes my name ‘Diego’ so she makes the burrito with extra love?
Anyway, there I was. Why not get a burrito? It was the top of the 8th inning. The D-Backs led the Rockies 7 to 3.
I dunno’…must have been some sort of Mexican voodoo. I come out of the taco bell and it’s the top of the 9th and the Rockies are now leading 8 to 7.
The hell is that about?
I don’t care what Cinco de Mayo is about. Mexican people are like anybody else, and tend to be very hard working, family oriented and Christian people. The only problem I have is that we let people (of any nationality) storm in here without really becoming Americans, and let them siphon benefits. It’s the Democrat Con.
Aaron Burr, that made no sense.
How many Margaritas have you had today?
^Missing time, Mr. Burr. But obviously, you were either eating too many burritos, or not enough.
Of course it made no sense. It’s the damnable National League. Who scores 5 runs in late innings like that? High School baseball?
It made my bean and cheese burrito bitter and not full of love at all.
My recco is buy shares in Apple while you can. They’re going to take their popular iPhones and sell them in Central America and South America under the iCaramba name
What do you call four Mexican guys on a boat that’s going down?
Cuatro Cinco
When the Spanish came over and invaded Central America, the locals didn’t have a name. But the Spaniards knew the locals had a lot of gold and silver and took it. The locals harrumphed and said “dude that’s MINE!”
And that’s how the locals got the name Mayan
The answer is simple…..Diamondback pitchers can’t throw a bean burrito for shit….
What’s a mile long and goes 2mph?
A Mexican funeral procession with one set of jumper cables
Willy, hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Hate this team so much……
Costco has some fairly yummy “street” Tacos as a kit, $5(sumptin) a pound. By the third margarita they are utterly-fan-fookin’-tastic…
Gee, but I think I’ll appropriate any Hispanic food (or any food, national or international), anytime I wish, without any asshat’s permission.
I’m looking at YOU, Huff’an’Puff.
And yes, I DO know what the Cinco de Mayo “holiday” is/was originally about.
“Those of you who think you know everything, irritate those of us who do know everything.”
A clever way to undermine American identity, substituting the Mexican flag and promoting the acceptance of millions of illegals as equals. Mexicans can be proud of their cultural heritage, but when they choose to share the privilege of being Americans, their national flag should be the US flag. My ancestors were immigrants, but they chose to assimilate in order to become part of this nation’s identity. I propose that instead of Cinco de Mayo, Americans celebrate an Alamo Day to honor those men who fought and died for the Texas Republic.
I admire a well fed drunken Hoo Hoo…..
Hurling is one thing, catching quite another.
This was about baseball right?
Cinco de Mayo?
I apologize, yep, whole other meaning right there,,,
Sucko de Mofo isn’t something that concerns me.
I was being utterly sarcastic. Like, I care what the Mexican’s 5th of May celebration “actually” is. This isn’t Mexico. What’s next “Bastille Day” and “Trouping the Colors Day”?
The Mexicans have won one battle in its entire history (beat the French for Pete’s sake) and we Americans are supposed to celebrate it by eating crap food that even the Hondurans won’t eat!
Sorry, gonna be busy appropriating Kwanza.
‘busy appropriating Kwanza’.
Got your work cut out for you!
Who was that convict that created Kwanza?
It’s a rhetorical question.
If you know the answer, please, keep it to yourself,,,,
How about Cinco de Bye-o? Now that’s a holiday I could celebrate.
I’M celebrating, Cinco de… PORT-O! 😎
OK. Today, and only today, I will not kill any cockroaches I see at Pancho’s Taco Emporium.
After eating 8 tacos from Pancho’s Taco Emporium, It will be Cinco de Poopo in about 20 minutes.
I went golfing today and a real cute beer cart girl asked if we were going to drink margaritas after our round to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and three of the four of us said in unison, “fuck the Mexicans”! After we told her we are tired of Mexico allowing the invasion of our country she realized we weren’t joking. We didn’t see her anymore. She didn’t even look Mexican.
this , like “kwanza” , an antiAmerica fiction. I have spent many months in Mx the last 60 years. Nobody there celebrates. Most “Mexican Americans” think it was the independence from Spain! totally wrong! LAZLO IS RIGHT! IT WAS THE DEFEAT OF THE FRENCH GOV MAXMILLIAN!
LIKE KWANZA IT IS FICTION TO EMBARASS “WHITE NATIONALISTS”! Bush and Obama either are dumb or are liars!~ Take our pick; i care not.
Hecho mucho tiempo en Mx; es por que you hablo Mexican (My Vnz, and Cuban friends have gold me many times the last 40 years “I speak Mexican – NOT SPANISH!”) bueno! chinga tu madre GWB!
Ctinko de Mayo? … why are we celebrating ruination of potato salad in the sun?
btw, Mexico … a guttural ‘nation’ appropriating a Western conqueror’s language
@an ol exjarhead (fixed that typo for you): You can chinga GWB’s madre if you like, but I think Ill take a pass on it (especially now that she’s dead).
As I drove towards our local Mexican food outlet, an elderly bracero stepped into the path of my high-speed SUV.
Fortunately, he stopped himself in time to avoid being struck by my all-American, fully insured, legally licensed vehicle.
However, he did lose control of his bag of tamales, tacos, nachos and coke infused soft drinks.
I have to admit, it was not a sure-fired strike….I had to swerve wildly in order to decimate his bag of treasured goodies.
The end result was taco sauce, nacho cheese, hot sauce and refried beans rained down upon the witnesses with such veracity that I escaped without anyone procuring my license plate number.
It’s been a great day.
Jelly, that’s exactly how the battle of Casa Grandes was won.