Attkisson and ‘Full Measure’ take on the Awan Scandal – IOTW Report

Attkisson and ‘Full Measure’ take on the Awan Scandal

Patriot Retort:  While everyone else in the mainstream news media is ignoring the Awan scandal, Full Measure isn’t.

This morning, Attkisson’s Full Measure covered the Awan scandal.

[…] Why the hell would the Republican leadership slow-walk this investigation?

And why the hell was the investigation taken away from the Inspector General and given to the FBI?

Now, to be fair, most of you know the background covered in this report.

But the fact that a Sunday morning news program is willing to cover this is huge.  MORE

8 Comments on Attkisson and ‘Full Measure’ take on the Awan Scandal

  1. from the Comey lies, the McCabe lies, the Brennan lies, the Strock lies, the Clapper lies, the Lynch lies to the Clinton lies & the complete DNC lies … there is no justice from the Department of Justice … how Orwellian can we get?

    apparently ‘Justice’ is only something us ‘little people’ experience … right upside our heads!

    we have long since ceased to be a Republic, ruled by law, applied to all

  2. Why would the Republican leadership……?

    GTFOH, if you can’t figure that out. Actually there is no figuring to it. The Republican leadership is a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement and progressives are progressives first last and always. D or R doesn’t mean much more to them than what they thought they could got more mileage out of or fit their image profile better. They have nothing to lose because they do not subscribe to a particular worldview or political philosophy. The best apology that I can come up with is the gold chain wearing Guido who sells crap used cars to unsuspecting suckers knowing that he has just screwed them royally. I guaranGoddamnedtee you that the Paul Ryans, the Mitt Romneys, the McCains, The Mitch McConnells and the couldn’t give two hoots in a barrel that Obama Care is ruining families, that they stole the Social Security Trust Fund is something they laugh about and if you get it that I think that there is nothing lower than this human filth then you are right. They are far worse than any Democrat, they lie to the face of their base and then get together and laugh about how they got away with it again. And that Goddamned smarmy little rodent Ryan is the worst of them, he is every bit as despicable as McConnell.


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