Attkisson: Election Questions – IOTW Report

Attkisson: Election Questions

As we plow forward with the 2024 presidential campaign, there’s a lingering ghost of elections past. Polls over the years consistently show a majority of Americans don’t trust the election process. Donald Trump claims the 2020 election was stolen from him. WATCH

Joe Biden says 60 election challenges were dismissed by courts because they had no merit. Now as the two men are squaring up for a possible rematch, we set out to learn whether any documented irregularities emerged after the dust settled in 2020.

Our Full Measure investigation found dozens of instances where there were election problems or errors that typically favored Biden. Today, we highlight a few notable cases and dissect how voter fraud can happen.

4 Comments on Attkisson: Election Questions

  1. GWB’s boy said many, many times from 11/20 to. 3/21 American citizens have no standing!
    As GWB’s hero said 100 years ago, “… its who counts the votes!”!

  2. STOP IT! “Donald Trump claims the 2020 election was stolen from him.” JUST STOP with the most honest election of all time bullcrap. If this was about murder there would be more than enough evidence to send the perpetrators to the gas chamber. This was an Obama coup.

  3. “Joe Biden says 60 election challenges were dismissed by courts because they had no merit.”

    “Joe Biden says 60 election challenges were dismissed by courts because the courts are corrupt.”

    Fixed it for ya!

    NO court ever gave election fraud a fair hearing. Dismissed PRIOR to discovery – because the “judges” KNEW that discovery would expose the whole charade.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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