Attorney: COVID vaccines given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots – IOTW Report

Attorney: COVID vaccines given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots

WNDU – EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE/Gray News) – Members of an Indiana family who went to get flu shots, including two children, were accidentally given adult doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, their attorney said.

They said it happened Monday at a Walgreens pharmacy, WFIE reported.

The family of four includes two adults and children who are 4 and 5 years old.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is only approved for people ages 12 and older. The companies are seeking approval for use in children ages 5 to 11 with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Pfizer and BioNTech proposed a dose one-third the size adults receive for ages 5 to 11. They have not yet sought permission for approval for children 4 and younger.

The family’s attorney, Daniel Tuley, shared what he says are the vaccination cards given to the family by Walgreens.They show children born in 2016 and 2017 were given a vaccine shot. more

19 Comments on Attorney: COVID vaccines given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots

  1. I have never taken my children to receive a flu shot. I will sooner trust my natural immune system and I hoped that they would as well….. but mass psychosis and fear apparently rule their adult lives…. I tried.

  2. @Ann Thracts

    My first thought exactly!

    And then someone at Walgreens realized that they F***ed up by giving it to a child and had to fess up – for damage control.

  3. Accidently, my left testicle! NOT!
    Sue WalGreen to the ground. Shoot the “pharmacist” that gave the Clot Shot.
    And I hope that someone is keeping good medical records on the entire family, to see what the long term effects are on not only the parents, but also the children, and THEIR future children (if any).

  4. This *accident* has been happening all over the country. I just received an email from BCBS insurance that said flu shots are recommended for 6 months and older and it is safe to get both the flu shot and covid shot at the same time. I’ve never heard of a child getting a flu shot and what parent would even do that!? The 72 shot immunization schedule wasn’t enough now we need to add 18 flu shots and who knows how many covid shots?! Nuts.

  5. I used to like Walgreens. The one I went to had an older pharmacist that I found friendly and trustworthy. Now they’ve hired several obviously gay and/or trans pharmacy assistants and the older pharmacist is long gone replaced with new faces every time I go in.

    No way am I getting a flu shot there. They can’t even get our prescriptions fill correctly anymore.

  6. Mofo, I woiks at Wawgreen and I gibs da shots. I cain’t reed da white men’s srinj lables so shut up, y’all raciss.

  7. Six months ago I told a coworker: No shots for me whatsoever until this Covid scam has run it’s course. He said he hadn’t thought of that, but agreed that more likely than not any vaccinations will be salted with the Covid MRNA Injections.

    I know EXACTLY how leftists operate

  8. JDHasty, I’ve always been a stickler for tetanus shot, I already didn’t like that they were adding it to other vaccines, but now I will risk lockjaw before I risk them adding mRna to it.

    I’ve heard of over 20 parents of young children and babies who have said they won’t take them to get their vaccinations because they’re scared of them giving them the covid shot.

    I wonder if doctors even care that they are losing all trust?

  9. No surprise the Covid Nazi are playing the vaccine “Bait and Switch” con game. There are just too many clueless easy targets like this family who trust a corporate enity corrupted by s*o*c*i*a*l*i*s*t policies and have Demwit/maniacal employees.


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