Attorney Lin Wood lodges lawsuit seeking to block certification of Georgia election results – IOTW Report

Attorney Lin Wood lodges lawsuit seeking to block certification of Georgia election results

“I filed a lawsuit today in federal court in Atlanta to establish that the March 6, 2020 Consent Agreement by the GA Secretary of State rendered UNLAWFUL the 11/3 GA general election,” Wood tweeted on Friday. “I am right under established law.”- more at Just the news

10 Comments on Attorney Lin Wood lodges lawsuit seeking to block certification of Georgia election results

  1. The recount is a total Uniparty sham, and Tank Abrams is claiming 600,000 mail-in ballot applications have already been sent out for the Senate runoff. Best of luck, Lin Wood.

  2. Do if the suit is successful and prevents election certification and the decision falls on the legislature, who will the State Legislature be giving their electoral votes to, Trump or Biden?

  3. Anonymous, based on the actions of our Republican Governor and SOS, i’d say our Republican Assembly will go for Biden. A bunch oh them used to be Democrats, anyway. Georgia is a failed state now.

  4. I just read this: “Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING””.

    A piece from The State of the Nation about the Supreme Court ruling of U.S. v Throckmorton and its application to the broken contract between Amerian voters and their reasonable expectation of a clean election contract.

    This is especially interesting to me, a former contract negotiator, because — so far as I know — there is no “severability” clause in our explicit agreement where voting is concerned. First off, voting is and will always be a one-person, one-vote proposition. More importantly, fraud that occurs in a national election, no matter where it occurs, affects my vote, my contract, because I am a citizen shareholder in that contract no matter where I voted. It follows, for example, that if our contract was voided by fraudulence in Georgia it doesn’t matter that I live in Washington state because I am injured by that fraud, too. This argument needs to be understood by every citizen in this “United” States.

  5. I just would like to know where is “Kemp”? Makes me think that the Secretary of State and Kemp are in someone’s pocket. Why would the Secretary of State and Stacey Abrams come up with a deal where signatures didn’t matter in an election. He didn’t have the authority! If it is not corrected the run off election in Jan is a Freud.

  6. I wonder if Raffelshitburger is one of the officials in the pocket of Dominion reported by Sydney Powell? He’s been very hostile to anyone who questions the authenticity of his election count.


  7. Today he was really ugly about Doug Collins because he is helping Trump. I still think there is something strange going on with Kemp and the Secretary of State. I also believe the Senate race could have Freud but not enough time for a recall for them. But, they wanted the Secretary of State to resign.

  8. Two more rings in the circus live for either your enlightenment or distraction chasing after the ball of false hope. .

    Sarah Westall’s video also mentions the “Fraud Vitiates Everything” angle posted by Abigail. .

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