Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public – IOTW Report

Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public


Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been going after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Clevenger also investigated the unknown person who turned over the DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks during the 2016 election cycle. This was always the key to the Trump-Russia collusion nightmare.

No proof was ever offered up by the fake news legacy media, Democrats, or the intelligence community on this scandal. If Russia did not supply the DNC emails to WikiLeaks, then this was more proof that the DOJ’s Russia collusion story was a complete lie used to fool the American public. It certainly appears that was the case.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying about the evidence they were holding.  In September 2023, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had regarding Seth Rich to Attorney Clevenger. more

8 Comments on Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public

  1. Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public

    Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been going after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

    Sounds like the bark is worse than the bite.

  2. “Sounds like the bark is worse than the bite.”

    I’m familiar with his work. He’s tenacious. But tenacity only gets you so far when the government people with the guns tell you to fuck off. At that point in time, and we are there, some adjustments need to be made.


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