Gateway Pundit:
After last night’s debate, the Biden camp put together a video that they then tweeted out indicating President Trump and Kyle Rittenhouse are white nationalists. This is not true and now a defamation claim is being prepared against Joe Biden.

In last night’s debate the moderator and Joe Biden’s tag team member, Chris Wallace, pressed President Trump to condemn violence in American cities by white nationalists. The two cities where Wallace said white nationalists were active were Kenosha and Portland. President Trump responded by saying all the destruction over the past few months comes from the radical left.
Wallace kept pressing the President who then asked Wallace to name names. Wallace finally labeled the ‘Proud Boys’ as the only group he could think of who were white nationalists (it’s unknown what evidence he has for this claim).
After the debate, candidate Biden used this exchange in an advertisement, wrongly accusing the President of being a white nationalist and indicating Kyle Rittenhouse was as well: more
YES! Nail his ass to the wall!
^^^ But scotch guard the wall, first!
In my time on this planet, I’ve never seen a President disavow white supremacy more than Trump has. He’s virtually constantly disavowing them because the media won’t stop asking him about it for some reason.
I’ve also never seen a presidential candidate in my life time use the N word more than Joe Biden and Hillary & Bill Clinton has.
Yes, nail his ass.
Lin Wood is on the case. Watch out libelous Democrats.
If Rittenhouse is convicted, no justice no peace. Burn the whole thing down.
No info on what court! If it’s in a court with GWB judges, Wood is just getting his name in print Ask Gen Flyhh about Bush judges!?!#%
It is no more illegal to be a white supremacist than it is to be a queer.
And it dang sure isn’t any more immoral to be a white supremacist than it is to do the disgusting things queers do.
Here’s what’s disgusting. Letting the left determine what is immoral and what is not. How did it come to this? Are you kidding? People on the left guiding society’s morals?
This country is toast unless people push back on that.
I’ll tell you another one. Letting the left run around in hammer and sickle shirts while trashing nazis. Isn’t anyone aware that communists murdered ten times more people than nazis?
If our side is going to just turn over the country to the left, don’t be surprised if the US just turns into one giant hellhole.
How come Chris Wallace keeps badgering Trump to disavow White Supremacists, but never asks Biden to disavow White Supremacist Richard Spencer, and never asks him why Richard Spencer repeatedly announces his support for Biden? And why does the media ignore Richard Spencer’s endorsement of Biden, but constantly repeats Biden’s “fine people” libel of Trump?
Those are rhetorical questions.
i believe in the soup-remacy of white toilet pap-uh, so buck fiden & his fellatio-media-crew
Hey Richard Spencer, my brother, your big mistake was endorsing Biden. You want journo eyeballs, you gotta hug Trump. Live and Learn.
Joe Biden, will you condemn Democratic-Socialism or its more common name – Communism? Will you denounce Chinese-style communism?
Joe Biden not only didn’t disavow KKK member Robert Byrd, he sang Byrd’s praises and named him as a friend and mentor.
If only Lin Wood was a billionaire.
Makes you wonder what kind of cowards billionaires that are on our side are.
Excuse me, but I have just as much right to believe “White Is Right” as they do believing “BlackLivesMatter”, got it?