Audi Super Bowl Commercial 2017 – Feminist “Gender Pay Gap” FAIL – IOTW Report

Audi Super Bowl Commercial 2017 – Feminist “Gender Pay Gap” FAIL

Audi’s 2017 Super Bowl ad this year is a liberal propaganda piece which has turned off half of their customers who don’t want to be lectured about feminism and the widely debunked “gender pay gap” myth in a car commercial. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

13 Comments on Audi Super Bowl Commercial 2017 – Feminist “Gender Pay Gap” FAIL

  1. I hope Audi is paying a lot for this crap to air. I can’t wait to read the post-game stuff about this and other ads. Not *all* publicity is good publicity. I think they’re about to find that out.

    (It would be interesting if President Trump decided to hold the swearing in ceremonies for a bunch of Secretaries during half-time on CSPAN. Tillerson’s swearing in had a viewing audience of 30MM.)

  2. This will be the first (and maybe only year) that Canadians will be able to watch the Superbowl with the US commercials. CTV, the Canadian network carrying the game is so worried that it’s audience will all choose the US carrier (on cable) to watch that they’re offering 2 $50,000 prizes as well as one $150,000 grand prize but you have to be watching the CTV version. I wonder how many people watch the Canadian version for the prizes but feel ripped off by the Budweiser and Audi left wing propaganda.

  3. Wouldn’t Audi be more relevant and bold if they showed a commercial during a soccer match where a nice Muslim girl living in Audi’s Germany wondered if she would ever be allowed to drive? To walk the streets of Hamburg alone without a male escort? To dress as she saw fit? To date a non-Muslim without fear of death? To become of age without the fear of female genital mutilation? Sure it would. But Audi plays it safe and decides to slap in the face people in the most tolerant, woman-friendly society on the face of the earth with specious liberal positions.

  4. I’m sorry Anon, but when women marched a couple of weeks ago, I dont recall them being fire-hosed, beaten up or arrested for saying the most crude and vile things. But then again, most of us don’t live in a drug induced alternate reality as you do. Try living life with less of a chip on your shoulder and you’ll find out you’ll be less an ugly person.

  5. @stop2think February 3, 2017 at 9:56 am

    “I dont recall them being fire-hosed, beaten up or arrested for saying the most crude and vile things.”

    And don’t forget abortion on demand, Title IX, no fault divorce, and boat loads of “equality.”

    I don’t think “woman-friendly society” means what you think it means.

  6. I’m going to watch the game (Pats fan). But I will laugh at the AUDI propaganda piece. And put AUDI on my ever growing list of businesses not to do business with. Right up there with my even faster growing list of Hollywierd movies not to give my financial support to.

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