Audio Released of Sounds Heard Every Thirty Minutes During OceanGate Search – IOTW Report

Audio Released of Sounds Heard Every Thirty Minutes During OceanGate Search

Company Owner Who Valued Diversity Over Experience – Is On Submarine.

25 Comments on Audio Released of Sounds Heard Every Thirty Minutes During OceanGate Search

  1. Squirrel, look over there, another spy ballon? Don’t report on Hunter getting off when blacks get 5 years. Don’t report on Durham exposing what everybody knew that Hillary and Obama schemed to form a coup to take out DJT. Let’s report on rich guys nobody knows doing something only rich people could do. This isn’t Peary or Shackelton.

  2. From Anon: “Squirrel, look over there, another spy ballon? Don’t report on Hunter getting off when blacks get 5 years. Don’t report on Durham exposing what everybody knew that Hillary and Obama schemed to form a coup to take out DJT.”

    What is left to say? Unless you fell off the back of a turnip truck yesterday, you’ve already heard about this. You know the players. You know what they do. You know they have modified our governmental and legal systems to protect themselves.

    And you should know there is only one thing that will ‘correct’ them. Short of that, the field is their’s and lesser measures will not have a lesser impact, it will have none. At least for them.

  3. Wild Bill
    AT 6:08 PM
    “As someone mentioned on another website, doesn’t anybody on the sub know Morse Code for SOS?”

    …the 19 year old was gonna Google it but, well, you know…

  4. Wild Bill
    AT 6:08 PM
    “As someone mentioned on another website, doesn’t anybody on the sub know Morse Code for SOS?”

    …seriously, its not the same thing I know, but when I was looking for folks after storms in partly collapsed structures it was holler and shut up, and you keyed on ANY sound because the person was scared, injured, tired, and probably pretty much despaired of hope so they may not be able to think all that well or move that good when it came to sound making. In a limited air environment I would think if you WERE aware that you would not make more effort than necessary because you use more air that way.

    But probably not what it is anyway. Good luck with that.

  5. It’s times like this I’m thankful that I’m just not rich enough to be this dumb!
    Woke Political Correctness got ’em there.
    Woke Political Correctness ain’t bringing ’em home.

  6. Anonymous AT 7:16 PM
    no owg’s allowed, right assholes?


    Only lefties talk in tribal shorthand lingo and think they make total sense.

    Don’t care whatever the hell you’re trying to say because you’re trying to be offensive to people you misunderstand.

    The world will be a better place once you understand YOU are the problem.

  7. Burrberg
    AT 7:15 PM
    “How are we goin’ with this one? False flag with crisis actors, or islamic terrorism when we find out the French pilot recently converted.”

    …choose any 2 of the following;
    1) Trump’s fault
    2) White Supremacy
    3) Climate Change
    4) Rayyycism
    5) Gas stoves
    6) Gas cars
    7) AR-15s with scary things that flip up.

    Those are the media favorites for any failure of anything.

  8. I thought OWG stood for ‘one with God’ … learn something new every day!

    old world government?
    one-world government?
    oh wait … orgasm?
    only white girls?
    old white girls?
    over-weight girls
    obese white girls?
    obese with gristle?
    orifices with gristle?
    on we go?
    off we go?
    one wrong Greta?
    Obama wuss guy?
    owls with guns?
    otters with guns?
    octopusses…seses with guns?
    okapis with guns?
    ocelots with guns?

  9. SNS, you forgot a few:

    8. Not enough choo choo trains.
    9. Too many intolerant heterosexuals.
    10. Carbon is bad!
    11. Bible clinging, capitalistic deplorables who vote Republican.

  10. When I worked for the phone company they had an entire book of acronyms. Even some of the veterans agreed with me that sometimes it’s better to just speak English than throw around a bunch of acronyms. Half the time you needed the book to decode a doc!!

  11. Cap believed in his craft… and the monkeys he hired to make it all happen… the craft had made successful dives prior as I understand it. His ass was on the line just as everyone else’s on board. No criticism on it from this angle.

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