Auditors want to know: Is president of UC, Janet Napolitano, doing some creative accounting? – IOTW Report

Auditors want to know: Is president of UC, Janet Napolitano, doing some creative accounting?

American Thinker: Janet Napolitano, President of the University of California, is not only missing in action as her premier campus is embroiled in a free speech crisis and threatened mob violence, she has run an operation that just received a scathing audit. Patrick McGreevy of the Los Angeles Times reports:

 The administration of the University of California system pays top workers salaries and benefits significantly higher than that of similar state employees, and failed to disclose to the Board of Regents and the public that it had $175 million in budget reserve funds while it was seeking to raise tuition, a state audit found Tuesday.

The audit triggered a dispute with UC President Janet Napolitano, who said charges of hidden funds were false…. (snip)

The audit of the Office of the President also found that it failed to satisfactorily justify its spending on system-wide initiatives and “inappropriately” screened surveys submitted by auditors to campus officials.

This latter point – “screening” surveys of the auditors as they attempted to gather information from subordinates of Napolitano sounds suspiciously like attempting to cover up facts from the auditors.  MORE

14 Comments on Auditors want to know: Is president of UC, Janet Napolitano, doing some creative accounting?

  1. Seriously though, does it really matter if she is? All of us in here know it’ll all be swept under the rug and forgotten about in a few hours. Even if the bitch voluntarily confessed to what they’re supposedly suspicious of, like ALL of the elitist 1 percenters, she’ll keep on keepin’ on, until she has to stand tall before the Man in the next life… Ah yes, no side stepping or bullshitting your way out of that one she devil…

  2. She’s a liberal! they lie, they cheat, they steal, they walk away! If a Republican forges a cup of coffee expense on a business trip, that is above-the-fold news in the NYT. Bias?

  3. I can’t stand Big Sis. She is nearly as nasty and crooked as hilLIARy. Another one who should have been behind bars long ago. CAn’t wait to see our nation turned into Latin America norte (every place except her neighborhood of course).

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