Auntie Maxine : Too dangerous’ to wait for 2020 to get Trump out of office – IOTW Report

Auntie Maxine : Too dangerous’ to wait for 2020 to get Trump out of office

American Mirror: California U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters thinks it’s “too dangerous” for Democrats to wait until 2020 to attempt to vote President Trump out of office, her latest pitch in her relentless campaign to “Impeach 45.”

Waters appeared on MSNBC to discuss recent claims from porn star Stormy Daniels about an affair with President Trump in 2005, but it didn’t take long for host Joy Reid to steer the 79-year-old career politician into the special council Robert Mueller’s investigation into unproven allegations the president’s campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

Reid repeatedly lamented that House Speaker Paul Ryan hasn’t forcefully rebuked Trump for calling Waters a “low-IQ individual” or other decisions she didn’t like, and asked Waters what Ryan’s reaction might be if Trump fires Mueller or his supervisor, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, amid the Russia investigation.

Waters alleged Ryan would do “nothing.”  more here

21 Comments on Auntie Maxine : Too dangerous’ to wait for 2020 to get Trump out of office

  1. Does the democrat party send headhunters into asylums to fill seats in the house of representatives? They have a glut of feeble minded and vicious individuals lurking there.

  2. Organgrinder is on a roll today…if they really DID get their reps from an asylum, would they be any worse than what we already have? Or would anybody be able to tell the difference? Maybe they would vote for the large venetian blinds in space!

  3. If you’re not following Maxine Waters PAC on twitter you’re missing a great parody account. Her (or his) tweets are so off the wall but plausibly Mad Max they’re a hoot.

    It’s Alinsky turned against the left with guffaws.

    “I never claimed Stormy delivered Barron. I simply said she may be the biologistical mother. When you sleep around on your pregnant wife, DNA gets mixed up.”

  4. Donald calls Maxine a “very low IQ individual”, so the Joy Reids of the world scramble to get her on their tee vee shows, where she proceeds to confirm the President’s assessment. Genius.

  5. Pelosi who aims to be House Majority Leader again can’t sting a coherent sentence together but Trump is the dangerous one. Until you Dems get your own house in order who cares what you say about anything.

  6. Impee fo tea fi.
    Impee fo tea fi.
    Impee fo tea fi.
    Give it a rest Max, you are incapable, if you don’t know that, you’re dumber than even President Trump thinks you are.
    Even her reptilian brain needs Head Start.

  7. @organgrinder

    I don’t know about Congress, but we know they recruited the mentally ill to attack people at Trump rallies in 2016. Project Veritas has them on tape admitting it.

    Don’t be surprised if some of these mass shooters were also recruited.

  8. IF– he had an affair it’s nobody’s business but his-his wife and God. Poor Maxine only wishes she could of had one.

    Especially considering Trump wasn’t in office, or wasn’t running for office when this (allegedly) occurred. Whereas Bill Clinton WAS in office for his little shenanigans. (Matter of fact, it was the Oval Office.

    (Did Stormy pay the income tax on that $130K that she was paid? If not, then maybe the IRS ought to pay her a visit.)


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