Aussie Climate Scientist Predicts Rainfall Will Change – IOTW Report

Aussie Climate Scientist Predicts Rainfall Will Change

WUWT: Aussie Climate Scientist Steve Sherwood, Director of the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, thinks in the future Australia will experience more rain, less rain or something in between.

More rain on the horizon as climate change affects Australia, study finds

Australians will need to batten down the hatches with more intense rain storms predicted as a result of higher humidity driven by a rise in global temperatures.

New findings from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, published in Nature Climate Change on Tuesday, reveal that a two-degree rise in average global temperatures would lead to a 10-30 per cent increase in extreme downpours.

The study’s authors predict that while some parts of the continent will become wetter, others will experience increasing drought.

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11 Comments on Aussie Climate Scientist Predicts Rainfall Will Change

  1. Thank you, Homer, your picture says it all.
    More rain, more aridity, or in between. Sounds like a typical know-nothing weather “forecaster”.
    Besides, what’s wrong with a little 2 degrees global warming? The Medieval Warm Period (950-1250) was approximately 3 degrees warmer then present, and Europe had 2 growing seasons per year.

  2. You mean Oz might have less desert and more more habitable, life-supporting conditions?

    How horrible.

    I predict this post will be read or not read, Damn, I should turn pro at this prognosticating thing.

  3. Reminds me of a day at the races (no, not the Marx Brothers movie). Went to the tellers window to place my bet, my wife’s, and my folks’. Darn near had money on every horse in the field to win, place, or show. Teller looks at me as he handed me the tickets and says, “Well, you oughta win with that!”

  4. I predict there will be a 20% chance of rain, a 20% of snow, a 20% chance of sunshine, a 20 % chance of fog and a 20% chance of crazy weather forecasters predicting all of the previous predictions!

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