Austin Ruse: Trans in Military Is Based on Fake Science – IOTW Report

Austin Ruse: Trans in Military Is Based on Fake Science

Breitbart: President Trump did the right thing in overturning the Obama policy of allowing the gender confused in uniform to defend our country.

First and foremost, there is no scientific evidence that transgenderism is a real thing, except insofar as someone feels or thinks they are the wrong sex. There are no reputable studies that show any physical reality that leads someone to believe they are the wrong sex. There is no transgender gene, no part of the brain that is different in such a person.

Certainly, there are scientific claims, but claims do not equal truth.

Writing in the NYU Department of Applied Psychology’s online publication OPUS, Elizabeth Glaeser says, “Currently, there is a significant lack of neurological evidence that defends or disputes the idea that the brain is sexually dimorphic, and if so, where exactly ‘gender’ and ‘sexual’ identities are located.” What she means is there is no brain proof for or against the notion that there are two sexes. Something that even children know is somehow beyond this academic. Though she goes on to admit there is no blood test, MRI, or answers to questionnaires that are capable of making a diagnosis. read more

8 Comments on Austin Ruse: Trans in Military Is Based on Fake Science

  1. Man I saw a great meme on FB tonight, I’m still laughing. Pictured is what one would think is a fairly attractive young woman. The caption says “A Trans person who fought and served for your right to hate me”. First comment “Nice Tits Dude”

  2. Dr. McHugh makes the most sense. His analogy to anorexicia is the best I’ve heard thus far.

    Furthermore, Endos still haven’t come up with bulletproof tests for even many thyroid problems, and they think they have answers to sexual dysphoria!!! WT?..

  3. I could give a snit on what sex they want to be when they grow up. The bottom line is that the military is not the phucking vehicle to fund their lifestyle and sex change, and the rest of the kick ass troops and sailors should not have to put up with their phantastical bullSHIT.
    It’s bad enough with the suicide generation being here, imagine the transgenders being stressed?

  4. There should be some funding from the military to address this segment of the population who is interested in doing good for our country. Send ’em a free hand grenade to blow their balls off and thank them for the inquiry on mission accomplished letterhead.

  5. This country has been reduced to one big freak show. The idea that this kind of insanity is even argued is chilling. How we as a country can ever return to some semblance of reality is in question. Violence is looking more and more like the path we are headed. Personally, I want some vengeance and am more than ready.

  6. It’s as if the circus music is playing in the background all the time. Surely (okay don’t call me…) our culture and world has deviated about as far as God can take – we’re already returning to “as in the days of Noah” fairly quickly with the aberrant sexuality, genetic manipulations, and march toward the idea of some peeples that people are soylent green.

    I’m watching, testifying, and waiting.

  7. Get rid of the phony and fake rackets of Psychiatry, Psychology and Social work and the perverted denizens of transgenderism, homosexuality, and pedophilia would back in the closet where they should be along with all the mentally ill psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Social workers!!

  8. Overthrow Western Civilization and the void will be filled by vicious Sharia or ruthless Chicom military occupation.
    So her future as a Useless Eater would be
    1. Rooftop, or
    2. Mass grave #2036, Layer 5.

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