Austin, Texas Chick-fil-A Employee Saves Choking Customer – IOTW Report

Austin, Texas Chick-fil-A Employee Saves Choking Customer

Breitbart: An Austin, Texas, Chick-fil-A employee is earning praise for stepping in to save a choking customer by applying the Heimlich maneuver just in time.

Chick-fil-A employee Hunter Harris is being hailed as a hero after video of his heroic deed went viral on Facebook.

The dramatic video shows an elderly male customer suddenly standing up as if in distress. A female customer rushes over and tries to help by applying the famed lifesaving technique, but it is clear it is not working. Soon, Hunter Harris rushes in to save the day.  watch

16 Comments on Austin, Texas Chick-fil-A Employee Saves Choking Customer

  1. Note: The employee didn’t ask if the guy was gay, or an immigrant, or a Democrat.
    He didn’t care.
    Chik-fil-A is not the scary den of evil conservative bigotry the Left likes to make believe it is.

  2. Kudos to the woman for jumping in and trying to help. She couldn’t make it work but good for her anyway. Feminists will say the man pushed her out of the way,(assaulting her) and claimed the glory for his sexist self. Good try anyway lady. You need to brush up on your technique is all.


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