Austin, Texas heads for Mad Max territory – IOTW Report

Austin, Texas heads for Mad Max territory

American Thinker:

I lived in Austin, Texas, in the mid-1980s and found it a lovable city. It had a vibrant cultural community, beautiful neighborhoods, and a massive campus that felt surprisingly safe and normal for a girl who had graduated from the degrading madness of UC Berkeley. Now, though, Austin is a city in thrall to hard leftism, and the only vibrant thing there is the out-of-control crime.

In 2020, Austin moved to the forefront of leftist-run cities that enthusiastically embraced the defund the police mantra. In August 2020, Fox News reported on the major changes that the Austin city council had made to police funding:

Austin, Texas became the latest city to defund the police Thursday when the city council voted unanimously to cut up to $150 million from its police department budget — about 34% of its current total — and reinvest the funds in other services, The Texas Tribune reported.

The money was, of course, reallocated to all sorts of feel-good social services. Within a year, Fox News was reporting that Austin was dealing with a significant rise in crime. MORE

19 Comments on Austin, Texas heads for Mad Max territory

  1. Exactly what do these “woke” city council members expect? One of the symptoms of being “woke” is the inability to recognize reality. Instead of “wake up and smell the roses”, it’s “get woke and smell the unicorn farts”. Contrary to the beliefs of the “woke”, there is a certain percentage of people in our society that are opportunists, less than civilized and just plain sociopathic/psychopathic. They lack compassion for their fellow man, would rather resort to violence than be productive members of society and will injure/kill others to get what they want. Thankfully, the majority of us have morals/values that regulate our behavior. Others require control by force. Remove the force (law enforcement) and it creates the ideal environment for these societal parasites. That’s reality.

  2. In a college town like Austin, TRF? But it’s not worth the powder to blow it up! Better in a place that has something worth preserving. (Yeah – when I figure that out, I’ll post it.)

  3. What is sad is it would be easy to organize and get a solid business person from each area to run and take the city back but we put no effort into that and now we have an exodus of good people and the wealthy get more security and the city is a total disaster. Somehow they to have police when a conservative reporter goes to a school to cover LBGT week and 5 vehicles show up in minutes but this criminal chaos is all welcome under current leadership.

  4. General Malaise – Ya gotta admit, it’d be a helluva place to work up a “Number 6” on ’em!
    Remember, a number 6 is where we go a-ridin’ into town, a whampin’ and whompin’ every livin’ thing that moves within an inch of its life.

  5. Austin began it’s downward slide when the faggots began to infiltrate in the mid-70’s. The decent people there started calling Austin ‘Sodom On the Colorado’. The river that runs through Austin is the Colorado River for those who didn’t know. It always starts with the faggots.

  6. It was clear to me 72 years ago that Austin was a Frisco wannabe. 72 years later Austin copies what Frisco did STILL!


    Where did leftist Jeb get his PBK key? You clearly know why the leftist got his key!

  7. I used to work for a company that had an office in Austin. We would have meetings a few times a year and the employees would travel to our home office. Two women from Austin always had stories about how weird (what now would be called ‘woke’) Austin was and they were so proud of being the ‘pimple of Texas’ (their words). Nice ladies, but I could only handle so much crowing about how ‘weird’ they were.

    That was around 2012 or so. I’d like to hear their stories today … if they still live there.

  8. Used to be a nice place to visit.
    History, music, culture, natural wonders.
    Then too many assholes from Libtardland moved in.
    Needs to be a no-limit hunting season, like feral hogs.


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